Why- Chapter 2

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Elle's point of view

                          24 hours earlier

"Elle can you come down here a minute please" my dad shouted from down stairs, ive been living with my dad well since i was born but when my dad and my mum got a divorce i started living half and half for 8 years but then when my mum got up and left last year to live with her boyfriend at his home town about 2 hours away, i only see her on my birthday and christmas, i live with my mum's parents (my grandparents) and my dad but i enjoy it. My dad got married just over 3 years ago to my step mum who he has been with for 7 years, and shes treats me better then my real mum does.

"ok 2 secs" i yell from my bedroom as i get changed out off my school uniform into my pjs ( yes pjs at 4 o'clock cause why not? ). I run out my room and down the stairs nearly tripping over my school bag at the bottom of the steps.

As i walk into the room i know there's something wrong because both my dad and step mum watch me walk into the living room and sit down, my heart immediately starts to race and i think off everything i have done wrong that they don't know of since i was born!

"Whats going on?" i say worriedly as i cross my legs and lean on the arm of the chair.

My step mum sighs," well your dad has had a big promotion in his job..."

"OMG that's amazing dad, so what privileges do you get then?" I say with a giggle, my dad works as a fire man and he has for 17 years.

"Well I'm the station manager so I don't always have to be there, so I can spend a lot of time at home" my dad replies happily, but not as happy as I wanted him to be about getting a promotion but I don't say anything.

" oh my that's amazing!" I say with excitement.

My step mum sighs and looks like she's about to cry so she's put her head down, but it doesn't help she just walks into the kitchen. What's going on? What's happened? Why is my parents being like this? Are they getting a divorce? Are they sending me to live with my mum? My mind goes off in a wander thinking of the most awful things that could be happening, until I'll snapped back into reality.

"Dad...what's going on? This is great news... why is Faye crying?" I say with confusion (my step mum is called faith but we all call her Faye for short).

"Yes of course it's good news... but there's something else that's comes with my new job..." my dad replies, I can't tell whether he's angry or upset.

My mind thinks back to the questions I thought before, Is he sending me back to my mums? Are they leaving me? My questions and confusion must show on my face because My dad starts to talk again.

"Don't worry we're not leaving you or sending you back to your mums or anything it's just..." he's stops and I here a slight sniffly in the kitchen.

"It's just what? What's going on dad?" I reply.

"I'm sorry Elle but... we are moving, tomorrow night" my dad replies as I here a faint cry coming from the kitchen

What the hell? Why are we going? Why can't we stay here, at home? what's going to happen at school? How do I tell my friends?OMG what is going to happen with me and Leyton?! My mind is in a mind of its our, every question possible pops into my head and I question everything that will change in my life in the next 24 hours.

Why? Why? Why do I have to leave?

I look from my dad to my step mum for about a minute but it feels like forever before running upstairs, locking my door and collapsing on my bed crying so loud I can't here my phone pinging next to me with text from, Whittney and Leyton.

I can't deal with them right now.

All I want...

Is my mother...

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