Part eight

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Phi smiled coming up to u saying " u didn't need to be betrayed and thanks for not betraying me" u noddedBut Alice and other things to say
"phi u should of betrayed them" but phi said
"No it's not like that at all Alice just cause u can't let go of ur fathers death doesn't mean others have to suffer so grow the fuck it would ya"
Alice sighed deeply then said "fine I'm sorry y/n and Dio I guess"
"It's fine but u went to far" u said
"don't let it happen again" u added So u went to walk off but Dio pulled u back saying "can we talk privately" "Sure" u said walking with him away from the others "So about what umm happened..." he began
"Ummm yeah" u said confused
"It was a um a mistake" he said slowly and I mean slowly it took him 5 minutes to say U were shocked and sad (idk why am writing this)
"It has been years since I have seen u and umm it is to early in the relationship for me at least I'm sorry I just want to be alone for a bit" he said and u felt tears come up in ur eyes But u held them back and said "ok bye then" and walked off while Dio went into the lounge most likely to get a drink and u walked back to the ground with tears down ur face then temiyouji said "Y/N what's wrong is it Dio do I have to hit him" u answered with
"He said what happened in the AB room was a mistake" Then  U realised that they didn't know they all looked confused "Quark can u go over there for a minute" he did as u said and u then said "umm me and Dio did something and then he said it was a mistake" u finished the. Sigma said"That's fine we can beat him for u" u smiled then clover said
"There is a smile we made her happy" she said hugging u So sigma said
"ok here is what's gonna happen u girls will make her happy while me temiyouji will talk to Dio while k looks after quark" they all agreed then u Alice and clover were just making up jokes having a talk u know being girls while sigma and temiyouji went to the lounge to find Dio sitting there so sigma went up to him and punched him in the ribs "Wtf" Dio said in pain
"U made Y/N upset and feel like she is nothing what do u have to say" temiyouji said Dio looked at then and said "well I had to tell her somehow" "Well she was crying" sigma said "She doesn't deserve u as her boyfriend" temiyouji yelled as they walked out Dio's POV
I have to make it up to her she is never going to forgive me so i walked out the lounge to the warehouse and saw y/n sitting there with the others (also phi was with quark she said she'll beat me up another time) so i walked up to y/n and said "y/n um can I talk to u"
"No" she said
"Please it is important" I said to her she rolled her eyes and nodded so I said
"I am so so so so sorry I made u feel this way it wasn't a mistake pleeeeaaaasssseee forgive me" I begged she looked at me and said
"I'll think about it"
"but I just apologised" I said shocked then she shot back " well I said I was ur girlfriend but not everything goes to plan but fine" she said kissing me

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