Ch4~Da Kine Bail Bonds

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"Have a seat." I motioned to the chair. Our fugitive, Kalani, did as I said, quietly sitting in the office chair. Dad started to talk with the guy when I got a call.

I pulled out my phone and went to the other room. Kaliah number popped up.

I answered happily, never would I tire of talking to this girl.

"Kali? Hey whats going on?" I say, putting the phone to my ear.

"Leland, I can't." it was Kali, and she sounded real bad. Immediately my thoughts began racing as I placed the room.

I heard a thud, and the phone hit against what I assumed was the ground.

"Kaliah! Hey hold on, sh*t I'm coming! I'm on my way just hold on." I kept the phone against my ear, hoping to hear her say something but nothing.

I raced to the other room and started to panic.

"Something happened to Kali! She just called and she sounds like she's hurt. Dad I-I gotta go I have to help her
God if it was that boyfriend of hers I ought ta pound on him!" I knew I was rambling but I couldn't help it, I couldn't control the panic rising in me.

"Slow down son. Calm down. Ok take a car and go. We'll handle him." Dad spoke calmly, but his eyes darted over to Beth who seemed surprised by my freak out.

"I gotta go now." I began to run out the door when Duane Lee yelled after me. "I'm coming hold on!" he chased after me and insisted he drive.

I looked at the time. It had already been four minutes since the call, anything could have happened by now.

The whole way, which was maybe ten minutes, my knee was bouncing and I was ready to run the rest of the way.

"Hey, you gotta calm down, we can't do anything if you're freaking out." DuanenbLee says, he was speaking calmly but I could tell he was freaking out too.

Both of us were real good friends with Kaliah. I knew her boyfriend was trouble. From the day I met her.


"Yeah I'm just gonna grab some food from the store, anything you want me to get?" I asked Dakota over the phone as I walked out the door.

"Nah, I'm good." he says. I figured I'd still get him something though.

"Hey dad I gotta go, I'll see ya tomorrow." he says before we say our goodbyes.

I put my phone away when I heard some people arguing. I looked over towards the sound and saw what seemed to be a guy and girl fighting. I listened in, curiosity taking over.

"I just don't understand why you wouldn't put the house under my name." the guy grumbled.

"Maybe because it's my money that bought it." the girl spoke before lifting a box from the truck.

"You plan on helping?" she asked as she walked to the door. The guy flipped her off when her back was turned.

"I'm going to meet up with some friends, I need the truck." he practically was growling.

"All the boxes are in the back." she yelled back. Apparently he didn't care because he began to toss things out from the back onto the driveway soon as she was inside. I had half a mind to go over and put it all back. He finished and drove off real quick. Asshole.

The girl got on her knees and began picking things up. I felt bad just sittin' and watching so I walked over.

"Need some help there?" I must've scared her bad cause she jumped and swung at me, her fist connected with my jaw.

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