the past...

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"Why do you wear that on your head?"
"it's apart of my religion". it's recess for my second grade class. i have on my light pink hijab with my school uniform ; which consists of a white polo shirt and navy blue pants or skirts. "Come on class, let's go back inside" Miss Crawford shouted as we all filed into one line.

Next Day
"Ok class , we have a new student joining us today. His name is Isaiah Rivera" A boy with really curly hair walked from behind Miss Crawford. Everyone well every girl couldn't take their eyes off of him. I just kept on reading my book , and out of all the people who wanted to sit next to him ; he sat right beside me. "Hi !" I said trying to become friendly since my parents said i should be more open like Luna. "Don't talk to me... weirdo" he spat at me.

I turned away and continued reading my book. It was time for lunch , and Isaiah had already gotten to the top of our second grade hierarchy. I was eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with mostly jelly , so i can actually chew it when a mob formed behind me. It was just a whole bunch of people. "HEY TOWEL HEAD !"

I turned around and it was Amelia clinging onto ISAIAH? I rolled my eyes and kept eating. All of a sudden I feel a tug on my hijab , and let me tell you A SISTER SNAPPED ; yes I did. I turned around and smacked the hell out of Amelia. She had a grip on my arms , and I had a grip on hers. I pushed her into the wall , and punched her dead in the nose. That was the day I was sent away to live with my aunt in San Diego.

(9 years later)
"Bye Aunt Mariah" I waved as my aunt drove away. The one place I never thought I'd be. Home.

I rang the doorbell , and a little girl ran up to me. "Are you my big sister !!!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I guess I am?"
"Hello , my name is Raina , and your name is Layla right ?"
"Yes ma'm" I replied walking into my childhood home. The face of my fraternal twin sister appeared running down the stairs. "LAYYYY I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH" she screamed attacking me.

I examined her face. She had a broken heart tattoo under her left eye. "Hey babes , how's Florida been ?" I asked. She smiled. She caught me on the 9 years of shit that's happened when I was gone.

"What happened to Amelia and Isaiah?"
"Let me tell you. Amelia is all over the damn place , and Isaiah makes music."
"Really ?"
"Yeah him Jahseh and Stoke" she told me. I'm actually a little shocked. I went up to my room ; which Luna had redecorated for me , and I changed into some comfy clothes

 I went up to my room ; which Luna had redecorated for me , and I changed into some comfy clothes

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I obviously had a black turban on. I walked downstairs , and saw three guys downstairs. As soon as I got down the stairs they all turned and looked at me.

"Hold tf up , you're gonna try and and convince us that this is Layla. The girl who beat Amelia's ass ? The PBJ addict ?" the brown skinned guy got up and questioned. "In the flesh ; how exactly do you know me ?" I asked. A boy with a bunch of face tats and blue ombré dreads got up and spoke " It's us Lay. Jahseh , Stoke , and Isaiah" I was DEFINITELY SISTER SHOOK.

"ohhhhhh hi..." I said slowly backing away. "Where are you going ?" I'm guessing Isaiah said. "Away from you" I ran out of the room.

(Luna's POV)
"Damn she still on that ?" Isaiah asked. "Well that experience lowkey traumatized her" I explained. "I'll go get he-"
"Nah I'll do it" Isaiah replied cutting me off.

(Isaiah's POV)
I ran to the backyard , and she was on the swing set with her head in her hands. I tapped her , and she punched me in the nose. "Fuck!"
"Omg I'm so so- oh it's just you" she rolled her eyes , and turned back around. "I'm really sorry about nine years ago" I sighed. "I'm sure you are" she replied.
"I was a dumb little boy"
"Yeah you were" she says showing no emotion
"I really liked you..." She turned around
"I mean who wouldn't , especially now" I said smiling.
"Isaiah, you put me through soooo many things at a young age. I can't forgive you for that.." She got up  to walk away, but I grabbed her arm.

Her crop top lifted up a bit , but before I could see anything you yanked at her shirt. I pulled her close. She had gorgeous caramel skin ; she smells like caramel too. Her lips were plump , a mix of brown and pink. She's beautiful. I looked into her big brown eyes with so much lust.

She stared back with confusion and curiosity. "Um , can you let go of me now ?" she asked. I realized that I was now holding her by the waist.

"Oh um sure" I said quickly letting her go. She walked away , and I watched. Her ass is fat asf I would hit that no funny shit. She turned around. "Are you staring at my ass ?"
"Maybe" I smirked
"I swear to god guys are pigs" she said continuing to walk.

Layla's POV
Ugh Isaiah is sexy as hell like 😍. I can't like him after what he's done. I'm in my room listening to music when my song "Lil Bebe" comes on (in the mm. that's some heat) I start dancing to it , and eventually twerking. Suddenly my door swings open. It was of course Isaiah.

"Oh my fucking god ISAIAH!!" I said embarrassed. "Damnnnnn you got ass , and you can dance and twerk. I just might bust a nut."

"You're so gross" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Who you talking to like that ?" he asked all aggressively.

"I think I'm talking to you." He started walking towards me , and backed me into a wall.

He stumbled a little bit. I noticed his eyes were a little red. Of course they was getting high downstairs.

I'm only 4'10. Yes I know I'm hella short , but so is my twin Luna. He towered over me , and looked me up and down with lust. It triggered an old memory from my last relationship in Cali.

"Let go of me Robert!!!" I struggled to get out of his grip on my neck. "Shut up bitch , you wanna go outside dressed like a slut , I'll treat you like one." he said slapping me across the face leaving a red mark on my left cheek. I cried on the floor as he kicked me all over my body. When he finally left me alone ; my body was completely numb. I was red and bleeding all over my body. I laid there crying. He said he loved me.
(Flashback over)

"GET OFF OF ME ROBERT!!" I screamed falling onto the floor crying. He gained sober ness. "Did I hurt you Layla because if I did I'm really sorry. Please forgive me..." That's exactly what Robert would say. I cried until I fell asleep

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