part II

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Isaiah's POV
Everyone ran upstairs. "Wtf just happened ?!??" Ski asked in confusion.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!!!" Luna yelled at me. She lunges ready to attack me , but Jahseh caught her.

"Calm down , I'm sure he did nothing to her." Jahseh reassured her. I remember her saying something about a Robert dude , but I was high so I can't be sure. Raina ran in. The room fell silent.

"Why is it so quiet ?" she asked with curiosity. "Because Layla's asleep princess, let's go to sleep." Luna , who was giving me that "you better explain in the morning" face , walked out the door with Raina in her arms.

"Vro , what did you do ?" Jahseh asked sighing. "I ain't do shit to her"

"So she out cold cuz of the fucking wind?!"
"Nahhh she fell and cried her ass to sleep"

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. Nahhh fuck this shit."

I said getting ready to leave. "Whatever you did to her , Luna is gonna kill you."

Ski called out while I walked down the stairs. I gave him the finger and closed the door behind me.

Layla's POV
I woke. Luna , Jahseh , and Stokely surrounded me. "What did he do to you?!!!"

"Yo move !" I calmly asked

"No , tell me what he did !"

"Luna. move. now"

"No !"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD , I SAID MOVE !" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I got up. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM !" They all filed out quickly. I took a nice and warm shower. I went back into my room , and stood in front of my closet in my towel. This would be a moment Isaiah would walk in. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

They were warm. "Hey babygirl" the voice said

"Who are you ?" I ask

"The one who you belong to"

When I turned around there was nobody there. I shook it off. I picked out a black crisscross crop top , ripped jeans , and my holographic slides from PINK. The truth is I never covered my hair cuz of my religious choices , but because it was ugly to me. I'm gonna learn to love it. I put it in crisscross spacebuns

 I put it in crisscross spacebuns

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"Layla..." I heard Luna say as she peeked through the door. I looked and smiled at her

"Omg you look amazing. Why aren't you wearing your hijab ?" She asked

"I'm being me" I giggled.

I walked downstairs and Raina ran over to me. "Let's go. It's sisterrr day !!!"

I smiled at her. "I guess let's go"

"I'm not even dressed !" Luna complained

"Well then hurry up !" Raina replied causing me to laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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