Pure of Ink Resistance

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hola hi fkdmg fng im tired sorry if i dont update so much, high of the high schools make sugary sug sug v busy n tired so wh e ee ze-

enjoy q_q

Zen's POV:

I woke up from a deep slumber and rubbed my eyes as the sun burned my eyelids. Wow thanks alot. I NEED THEM FOR SNIPING AND LOOKING FOR MY SOUL MATE! ...I need to get up and start my daily routine. I decided to wear my ink saver main gear and opened my weapon closet to pick out a sniper. 

"Hm... what if I go with my signature sniper? Nah.. maybe I should use the stingray this time! It has been quite some time since I touched this weapon.. Yeah I'll go with this!" I grabbed my hero replica charger and ran out of my house. Hopefully I get to see my best friend again today.. 

* At the lobby *

"Hey look..! It's Zen the hottest and best sniper in the whole square..!" 

"Woah..~ He's so cool and cute when he's serious! Maybe you should try asking him out some time Ashley!" I kept hearing the same compliments and creepy compliments from several girls like always. Sometimes I really wish that I had a day off from everyone's bullshit.. God help me survive this day and the following days too! 

* Turf War! Ink the most to win! *

I decided to take the higher ground and get some easy splats. Camp Triggerfish was a pretty easy stage to just defend and get some kills.. well.. unless you have a team that knows what to do and doesn't spend most of their time squidpartying with others. In my case, 3 of my teammates were having fun while I kept killing the people that were trying to get into our side. I was pretty tired from running back and forth plus this heat wasn't helping at all...

"Meow meow! Meowww! [You have 30 seconds! Keep it up!]" I silently groaned as I heard Judd announce the time. Well here comes the pressure.. I checked my map and saw that all four of the splattershots had their specials, charging towards me like angry bulls. At least I get some target practice. 

"Here we come TP! I hope you're ready for a serving of Splashdowns!" An inkling girl announced as she jumped up in the air and performed a splashdown. I rolled my eyes and shot her mid air then did the same with her other buddies. 

"Meow meow! [5 seconds left!]" I used my last bit of energy and inked what they had colored. Time finally ran out and we won. Not really a big surprise since I win every turf battle even if im not trying. I looked at my score and it said 40 kills instead of 38 or 39. I smiled at the small improvement and made my way out the lobby, in front of me was the person I wanted to see the most out of everyone else. Hotaru was smiling brightly as always and waved at me.

"Hey Zen! Nice job out there! I'm actually pretty jealous of you.. I can only shoot a splashdown from a certain distance if im not using my Luna Blaster... But regardless of that, you did such an amazing job!" I chuckled and rubbed my neck feeling some heat crawl up my face.

"Heh, thanks! It took a long time to get where I am now but I'm actually pretty happy that I get to hear that from you.. Oh um, are you hungry? I could buy you some breakfast while I'm still available. I was suppose to practice but I'm willing to spend some time with you!" I rambled on and on. Hey I'm nervous around him, what else am I suppose to do? 

"Oh sure! I'm actually pretty hungry.. I was about to go to the shop that just opened. I heard they have some tasty cakes! I really want to try one~" Hotaru spun around and sighed like a high school girl being asked out by her crush. I nodded and began to walk with him to the shop. 

* Near the shop *

It was a really beautiful place.. It had a couple of old cherry blossoms surrounding it and a small river with a bridge just chilling there. It was almost like a sake shop but serving cakes instead of actual sake. We walked into the shop and it smelled so good like yo I would eat this entire place, no joke. 

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