knock knock 3

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I feel as if i'm lifting a heavy or the heaviest backpack on my back that is making every bone of my body scream in pain .

I feel as if i'm chained , every time i try to move forward even a small step those chains stretches out to keep me from moving.

I want to cry , scream , look in the mirror and see who am i .

Being trapped in in a small dark room where escaping has become no more than just a small dream a peck of light that reaching the end of the world seems faster than reaching it .

Where am i in all this am i still able to resist and hold on . How much longer can i hold on.

wearing everyday the same expressions the same damn expressions just to be able to socialise and have a life but what life , a life that seems to be the same fucking day put on repeat , a life that has become just surviving another day , a life that made me want to put an end to my life but for what .....

I don't know , I can't understand , i try or maybe my efforts aren't enough.

Probably i should just make the end come sooner than i thought.

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