#11- The Aftermath of A Man's Break up

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|"I should have treasure you more"|

Jihoon's POV

After our break up, I thought I will not regret leaving her but I was wrong, I was a trash, I should have love her more instead of cheating on her, I wasn't with her just because of her money

'I was so stupid'

I open my door when someone ring the bell of my apartment and I saw her

"O-oppa" she was there pouting again in front of me

"Please go away" I said to her and I close the door

"Please forgive me! I'm sorry I lied to you!" she stop me and kneel infront of me

"You're causing too much scene here please go away" I said not wanting to meet her eyes

She lied to me, she lie that I am the father of her child, I didn't even know that she slept with someone else before me and when she knew that I will apologize to crisa, she make up a story telling that we are after her money.

"You slut, I said stay away from me!" I kicked her out and close the door right infront of her

I sighed 'why did it happen to me?' i said to myself.


I was now here at a bar, drinking as much as I can

"One more bottle~ please~" i said to the bartender

"Are you sure sir? You drink for almost 20 bottles now" he said to me

"I don't care just give me more" i said to him while I look down


While I was waiting for my drink, someone just talk to me but I ignore her, I pull out my phone and open my gallery

"Hey" she said

'she's so cute' I thought to myself while looking at her photos

"You look drunk" she said again

'I miss her' i said to myself, and I can feel my eyes blur and getting hot

"ooohh, I see, you broke up?" she said and I look at her

"who are you?" I asked her

"I'm taeyon, you?" she introduced herself

"You don't have to know, gonna go" I said to her while I tried to stand up

"sir heres your drink" the bartender said

"No thanks, give that to her, here's my money" I payed and then walk away

While walking home, I noticed someone shouted

"Yah crisa!" and I immediately thought of her and the voice seems so familiar, that's why I follow the sound

And then, right there, I saw her......

And I immediately walked behind her and held her wrist and turn her around

"J-jihoon?" her eyes widened as she saw me

"Crisa" I called her.

'I miss you, please forgive me' I said to myself while my eyes are in the urge of crying

"Are you drunk?" she asked me

"Please l-listen to me" I stuttered while I fight not to cry infront of her and still holding her wrist

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