Haters gonna hate

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Elena's P.O.V

I wake up and rub my eyes. I see Jacob fast asleep next to me and I smile. So Adorable.

I move the blanket off me and I see Jacob's arm is around me. I shake my head and think, I swear he loves me so much.

I try to move his arms but, they're so hard to move away. So I give up and lay back down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I hear Jacob moan. I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. I can feel Jacob moving around then, I feel something on top of me. I open my eyes.

"Morning beautiful." Jacob says. Jacob is sitting on top of me. "Morning to you too." I say. I look at him and see he's shirtless. Okay so i'm feeling very, very hot now. "You alright Elena?" Jacob questions. I nod my head and he smiles. He leans down and pepper kisses my neck. I shiver.

"You cold?" He says with his lips pressed to my neck. "Totally normal." I reply. He kisses up to my lips and we start making out. It's true as, he's an awesome kisser. We make out for a long time.

He pulls back to take a breath. "So you want some breakfast?" He asks while puffing. I laugh a little. "Yes please. But um first, can you get up so I can too?" I ask. "Yeah sure." He says. He gets up and helps me up. Have no idea why but okay. He leads me to his kitchen and oh my god it is massive.

There are 3 sinks, 2 ovens, well lets just say it looks like a restaurant kitchen.

"This kitchen is massive!" I say loudly. Jacob smiles. "Yeah well, it's good when you have a parties, even big ones." Jacob says a he goes to his fridge. I take a look around. How many forks, knifes, spoons does he need? And plates and bowls. Oh never mind, he said this place is great for a party. I look out the window and...

"Omg!!!" I scream. I swear I almost scared Jacob. "What?" He says. He looks at me like I've just seen a ghost.

"You got a pool!" I squeal. "You said 'Omg' because I got a pool?" He says. "Well yeah because it's amazing!! You got a waterfall too! Man you're so rich." I look over at him with a big smile on my face. I can see he's blushing.

"You're blushing." I say while skipping over to him. "Yeah I know baby." He says. We're only centimeters from touching each other. "You want to help make breakfast?" He asks.

"Yeah why not?" I say.


I had breakfast with my amazing boyfriend Jacob. It was so good. I told Sam to pick me up as I got dressed. Jacob gave me some cloths to wear and I thanked him. Sam picked me up and I went back home. Sam told me that Chris and buddy are wanting to talk to me.

"Why Sam?" I ask. "Because. Chris is just gonna tell you a few things and buddy really needs to talk to you." Sam says. I give a loud and long sigh.


"They're coming now anyways. But before we go through hell with them, how was your night with Jacob? Did you guys mingle? Have sex maybe?" Sam nudges me.

"No. We just kissed and made out. We slept together but didn't have sex. Sorry to spoil your fun." I wink at her. She laughs. "I can't believe you guys are dating. He's so cute and handsome. Such a gentleman." Sam points out.

There's a knock on the door and I go get it. I open the door and see Buddy. "Hey Elena." Buddy says. "You wanted to tell me something?" I ask.

"Yeah can we speak outside? Please." Buddy pleads. "Fine." I say as I walk outside. I close the door.

"What is it?" I ask. "Elena I'm sorry okay? Can we get back together please?" Buddy asks me.

"Bud I'm sorry I can't." I say. He nods his head. "Why do this to me?" He says.

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