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Hoseok tapped against the mirror, staring back at Taehyung.

"Hey, Taehyung. Miss me?" Hoseok's voice echoed in Taehyung's head. "Do you even remember me?"

Taehyung freaked out, letting out a scream. He punched the mirror, cracking it.

"Hey, that's not very nice," Hoseok grumbled, appearing beside him.

"I thought... I thought you died?" Taehyung's question came out as a whisper.

"Well, yeah. My organs got ripped out if me, I'm probably dead."


"Oh yeah, you don't know. Well, let's just say your brain wasn't the only thing MinHyuk messed around during that surgery."

"What did he do?" Taehyung pat his entire body, grabbing his chest.

"No, dumbass, he didn't give you boobs, but he did give you something else."

"Which is?" Fear dawned on Taehyung's face, as the realisation that he had no idea what MinHyuk has done to him.

"You'll find out soon enough," Hoseok winked, then disappeared.

"Oh come on!" Taehyung threw his hands in the air. "This is some kind of cliffhanger crap!"


Jungkook landed at the gates of the CCG building. Guards immediately raised their guns, aiming it at Jungkook.

"I would raise my hands up, but I'll drop your friend here," Jungkook walked closer, Jimin lying unconscious in his arms. One of the guards ripped of his helmet, taking a better look at Jimin.

"Jimin? What have you done to him?" The guard said, gun aimed right for his head.

"Me? Oh no, I didn't cause this, Seokjin did. I'm just a deliverer." Jungkook passed him Jimin, who quickly ran into the building. Another guard stepped forward, gun out.

"Usagi, you are under arrest for harming and possibly killing a Special Class Ghoul Investigator. Put your hands up and-"

"Nahh, the Cochlea isn't for me," Jungkook grinned, waving. He leaped upwards, disappearing behind the trees.


Yoongi caught a glimpse of HyunWoo, running on top of buildings and jumping between them. He quickly followed suit, bikaku out. His kagune twisted around his arm, pulsing red.

"It looks like I've been caught!" HyunWoo snickered, leaping off a roof. He crashed into the side of a building, windows shattering. Yoongi followed him in, surrounded by darkness. The moon illuminated the room, desks reflecting off the light.

It's some sort of office, Yoongi thought to himself. He surveyed his surroundings, but HyunWoo was nowhere to be found. Crouching low, Yoongi carefully searched the area, avoiding the desks and chairs.

"Oh Yoongi!" HyunWoo called out playfully. Yoongi's head perked up, realising that the sound came from behind him. He spun around, noticing a bright red dot staring straight at him.

"How the tables have turned," HyunWoo laughed deeply. "The hunter becomes the hunted."


Wonwoo stood at the entrance of Cell 201, a label stating "GREEN EYE (KIM JONGIN) " plastered all over it. He pressed his ID card against the card scanner, only to be met with a red blip. He pressed it again, slamming it frustratedly. Sooyoung quickly pulled Wonwoo away, not wanting any attention.

"Hey, calm down for a sec. Let me try," Sooyoung pressed her ID card on the scanner, giving her the same red blip.

"That requires Level 3 clearance now," Junmyeon spoke up, pressing his ID card. A green blip blinked, the doors sliding open. Wonwoo rushed in, pulling out a flashlight.

"Wait!" Sooyoung reached an arm out to grab him but it was too late. Wonwoo disappeared into the dark cell, a light bobbing in the middle. She turned to Junmyeon, eyeing the ID card.

"How do you even have Level 3 Clearance?"

"I don't, but Wataru does," Junmyeon lifted it up to Sooyoung's eyelevel. Blood splatters covered the ID, dotting it like a decoration.

"Wh-Where did you get that?" Sooyoung slowly backed away, fear creeping up her spine. Junmyeon flashed a grin before ripping his rinkaku into her torso. Sooyoung gasped, blood filling her throat.

"I killed him, of course," Junmyeon tossed her body into the cell. Sooyoung yelled as she hit the ground, her blood spilling out onto her chin.

"Sooyoung?" Wonwoo's voice echoed in the cell as he reappeared. "Sooyoung!"

His ukaku flared out, firing shards at Junmyeon, but he easily dodged them.

"Traitor!" Wonwoo shouted, charging, but Junmyeon pushed him back into the cell. Wonwoo landed on his back, groaning. Opening his eyes, he spotted a green dot staring directly at him from above. Pointing the flashlight at it, Jongin's eye glowed a brighter green, his teeth baring.
He leapt down, landing on top of Wonwoo and bit down.


Hyunwoo dashed forward, pouncing on Yoongi. His rinkaku tried to stab Yoongi's head but he quickly moved his head away. Yoongi raised his legs and pushed Hyunwoo off him, rolling away. He stood up, bikaku slithering out. Looking around, he realised his opponent has hidden himself in the dark again.

"Show yourself, pussy!" Yoongi yelled, swinging his bikaku.

"So you're Min Yoongi? The one who almost married Hoseok, huh?" Hyunwoo's voice came above, causing Yoongi to look up. However, there was nothing but ceiling. "Well, you can't marry a ghoul anyway, or a dead guy."

"Shut up!" Tears welled up in his eyes. Yoongi realised that he had never actually grieved over Hoseok's death, causing a sharp sting in his chest. He was so busy running around and killing ghouls that he never stopped and took a minute to even remember who Hoseok was to him. Yoongi dropped to his knees, his eyes pouring rivers.

Jung Hoseok, his fiancé, his lover, now dead. Yoongi's heart pumped widly as he grasped it in pain. Memories of the two of them flashed before his eyes, bringing a smile to his face yet tears flowed down.

A hand landed on his shoulder. Yoongi flinched, bracing himself, but nothing came. He looked up and it was Hyunwoo, standing before him. His touch was surprisingly soft, almost sympathetic.

"He was a good man. He never killed a human for food and would just settle for our leftovers. I don't think he even caused any human bloodshed," Hyunwoo kneeled next to Yoongi, crossing his arms. "Sometimes I wonder if he really was a cannibal."

"Why are you telling me this when you can just kill me?" Yoongi said in between sobs.

"I feel like Hoseok wouldn't want me to."

"Since when do you care about Hoseok anyway?"

"Of course I do! His heart was too pure for a ghoul, I don't even know how he survived in this world. But I did know he would make a great leader."

"Wait, you specifically said Hoseok didn't cause human bloodshed, what do you mean?"

"On the record, he has never killed any human, but ghouls, oh my, he killed so many. I even thought he was working with the Doves at one point."

A memory hit Yoongi like a bomb, burning in his head.

"I-I stayed alive, I ate ghoul meat, I fought fucking wolves, just to see you again and you're telling me that you... Hate me?" Hoseok spluttered out, confusion and disgust written in his face. "I went through all that shit, just for you to shun me away because I have to eat humans now?"

Yoongi didn't miss a beat to reply.


"Then, I guess I have nothing else to say to you."


author's note

i submitted this book into several book awards for fun 

tbh i dont think i will win lmao theres so many better books out there

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