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"Junmyeon!" Yoongi called out, rushing to his side. Jungkook stepped back, licking the blood of his kagune, snickering.

Junmyeon fell to his knees, collapsing into Yoongi's arms. Spluttering, his mouth quickly filled up with blood, flowing out onto his lips.

"Why would you do this?" Yoongi cried out, applying pressure to Junmyeon's wound. "Why?"

"Junmyeon over here works under Green Eye, who I assume has escaped, since you're outside." Jungkook explained, kneeling down to Yoongi's level. "This man right here is a spy."

Yoongi shook his head, tears forming in his eyes. Junmyeon was his team member since they started, how could he have been a spy? He swiped at Jungkook's direction, facing away from him. Jungkook sighed, shaking his head.

"Kim Junmyeon, also known as Python, is a part of Green Eye's group, New Rift. It's a ghoul terrorism group which sole reason it exist is to bring down CCG." Jungkook eyed Junmyeon warily. "He was probably sent in to release Green Eye."

Junmyeon chuckled softly, blood still pouring out.

"Ah, Usagi, always so smart. I can see why our leader hated you," Junmyeon smirked. Looking back and forth from Yoongi to Jungkook, an insane smile spread on his face. "Yoongi, you were a great friend, but now here's the truth. I only joined CCG to release my leader, Green Eye and slowly tear the fucking organisation to shreds."

Yoongi's voice was stuck in his throat, unable to make a noise. He gently pushed Junmyeon off his lap, and dug his hand into his wound. Junmyeon let out a pained cry, his legs thrashing. Pulling out his liver, Yoongi tossed it to Jungkook. Jungkook eagerly grabbed it, smiling widely.

"This is for lying to me all this time," Yoongi spat at Junmyeon. Junmyeon smirked weakly before the life drained out of his eyes.

"Yoongi, you always know how to please me!" Jungkook exclaimed as he bit down, juices spilling from his lips. "By the way, Green Eye's probably out if he's here."

"Oh shit."


Jongin leapt out of the Cochlea, bullets following behind him. He effortlessly dodged them, smirking. Landing on his feet, he sped through a forest and zoomed away.

"Now to seek revenge."


Nijima clinged onto his clipboard, pressing it close to her chest. Her heels clacked on the floor as she made her way into the female washroom. Inside, she settles down her clipboard and turned on the tap. Splashing some water onto her face, she looked and stared at her face. She let out a frustrated sigh, before punching straight into the mirror. Her reflection cracked into a million pieces, covered in red specks.

"Just a few more days, he's gonna pay ."


Taehyung opened his eyes. All he saw was nothing. Black. Emptiness. He could hear white noise all around him. It echoed in his ears. He looked around, wondering where he was. Raising his arms, he gingerly took a step forward, followed by another step.

"Hello?" Taehyung called out, but his echo answered him. "Is anyone there?"

"Quiet," Hoseok's voice boomed, shaking the ground which Taehyung was standing on.

"Hoseok? Where are you?"

"Keep. Quiet."

Taehyung swallowed deeply, his Adam's Apple bobbing. He bit his lip and slowly sat down, patting the ground.

Where was he?

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