Chapter 5 : Apprentices

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For the next moon, Spiritkit was doing quite a lot regarding training. Nightfrost taught her moves but he mainly made her repeat all of the ones he taught her. He wanted them perfect, precise and fast. To Spiritkit, this was incredibly difficult because she felt like she was using muscles that she didn't even know existed. This was harder for her than most kits, this was because she didn't have others to play with during nearly all of her kit-hood, hence making her muscles underdeveloped. The first two weeks were torture. Nightforst made her jog, build up muscles on her hind and front legs and so much more. She enjoyed it, but she sometimes wanted to kick Nighfrost in the face when they sparred.

Nothing really changed in the clan. No new warriors were made. Spiritkit tended to spend most of her time going through the battle moves she learned, hunting even though she was not allowed and well she still wasn't good at it. When she wasn't doing that she was either watching and listening to cats in camp or just spending time in her 'den'. There was one change, however, Goldenkits gang stopped attacking her but one of the kits, Hazelkit started to get almost as bad as Goldenkit. Hazelkit was sabotaging her food, which didn't really affect Spiritkit but it still wasn't a thing she thought anyone would do. Hazelkit was also making mean comments and tripping her, all of the usual things. Spiritkit was confused as to why this sudden change in behaviour, Hazelkit was in Goldenkit's gang but she wasn't ever solely malicious towards her.

Today, something was happening. Spiritkit's parents were fussing around Goldenkit, smoothing and cleaning her fur. Goldenkit seemed to bask in the attention. Spiritkit was confused for a moment before she realized.

"Our Apprentice Ceremony! I almost forgot it existed," Spiritkit muttered to herself, "time flies by fast, doesn't it?"

So, Spiritkit started doing the same thing, cleaning her fur and smoothing it down. She was doing this for a long time, making herself look smart and presentable. Truthfully, Spiritkit was anxiously waiting for the clan meeting. Who will she have for a mentor? She wanted someone strong, someone who was good at fighting! Spiritkit felt a little guilty at that thought because she did already have Nightfrost mentoring her. Spiritkit just wanted a mentor that could teach her how to hunt and let her spar.

"All gather by the Great Rock for a Clan meeting!" Willowstar called out. Willowstar was a lean she-cat who had a light sandy pelt, a white stomach fur that went up to her neck, dark brown socks, as well as a darker tail tip and navy blue eyes. She was a wise Clan leader and Spiritkit liked her.

Spiritkit's family was gathered near the Great Rock, Spiritkit didn't know if she should join them. Probably shouldn't. Spiritkit thought. Silvermist and Smokeleg were looking proud, Goldenkit reined in her excitement.

"Goldenkit, Spiritkit, please come forward." And so they did, following Willowstar's orders. Goldenkit went first, of course, she walked calmly with a bright grin on her face. Spiritkit was trailing behind her, still walking calmly but feeling scrutinized under the Clan's gaze. Spiritkit didn't want to feel like that, she spent so much time and effort in making herself look presentable and strong, both today and over the past month. She lifted her head up, eyes darting around and more or less glaring at those who had a negative look on their face. It's hard being a 'cursed' kit after all.

"Goldenkit, please step forward." Willowstar started the ceremony by announcing these words."Goldenkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Goldenpaw. Your mentor will be Gustsong. I hope Gustsong will pass down all she knows on to you."

"Gustsong," Willowstar continued, "you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Whitefang, and you have shown yourself to be brave and have amazing skill in battle. You will be the mentor of Goldenpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

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