Chapter 2

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" hey!" I heard someone, the voice sounded familiar but I capped on walking.

" hey Ket!" Yep it was Jared. After all this time, he finally grew some balls. I stopped and waited on him, it's not like I had any other option.

"God! Maybe you should try out for Olympics in couple of years for speed walking, you seem pretty damn fast at it!" He caught up to me and we walked shoulder by shoulder to the parking lot.

I didn't say anything, but just hope that he got the massage that I don't want him to be here.

"Look," he started as we reached my car, I tried my best to not look annoyed.

" I know I was an ass whole to you last year..." I cut him off

" was??? No one said that you aren't!" I was about to get into my car, but he stretched his hand blocking my way.

" just give me a minute!?" I crossed my arms not caring if I do look like a bitch. " I know that I am and ass whole" he possed for my response, but i capped my mouth shot " anyway, and I'm sorry. I know that you don't like me, your sister has told me everything about how much you hate me and the whole marine thing, but I can be a nice guy"

Someone sure as hell going to die tonight!

" what I wanted to ask you is if you would like to hang out sometime, not at my place but maybe go to the movies or anything you want?" His grin turned into a smile.

I had to think of an excuse

" wow, ummm Jared I'd love to but you see I don't think my boyfriend would like the idea of me playing him..." I lied, I know I know. But I can't say yes to that!

"Oh Nat didn't tell me you had..." He was a bit confused

" his deployed, and won't be back until June" I lied, again! It didn't take him long to figure out what I was talking about.

"Right! Okay well we can still be friends...?" He stretched his arms for a hug

"Of course!" I dived in to my car, avoiding his hug.

" bey Ket!" He waved after me

"See ya!" I waved in return.

I got home and went strait for the home phone.

* Liz ( my best friend)

Liz- hey girly!

Me- what's up?

Liz- nothing much, so have you decided where you want to go to college?

Me- hell no, but I do want to ask you, would you be up for a little vacation... Just you and me? Right after the graduation?

Liz- yeaaahhhh sure..... Where to?

Me- North Carolina! Mrs. Colby says they have some colleges that I might like

Liz- yeah totally! I'll go.

*long pause

Can I call you back? I need to help my mom with dinner

Me- sure no problem, just call me when you are done!

* end of the call

The thing is I haven't even talked to my parents about this trip yet, but I'm sure they won't mind I mean I'm pretty much on my own.

~three weeks later

"Are you excited?" Liz was so hipper it was insane!

" ha! Oo yeah!" I'm not sure if I was more excited about the graduation or the trip that we are going on in 4 hours? Either way, I was excited!

" Natalie Rose Cromwell!" My principle announced my name and I stood up. Taking a picture with him right before I receive my diploma. Today was one of my best day of my life.

Liz and I went to some of our friends graduation parties for a couple of hours and went back to my place to pack up and start our little journey.

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