12. Babysitting

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Jeremy Gilbert.

At one point, he had been a crying newborn, only giggling and laughing when Lynn would hold him in her arms and sing 'Wish You Were Here.' Now in high school he was a far cry from the newborn or even the two year old, Lynn knew him to be.

When Kol mentioned them babysitting, it had taken another two days before it was revealed to her that she had to take some of Kol's blood, over night it to Klaus and then begin to keep an eye on Jeremy who was currently living Colorado.

This set Lynn on a self appointed mission, only allowing Kol to be near Jeremy when she was around. She wasn't about to let Klaus or Kol use the poor boy to get whatever they wanted.

While it was never made clear to Lynn why she got to jab a needle into Kol and take blood, she trusted it was for a good reason.

There was however, no good reason for Jeremy to be dragged into this and thus landed her in her current position; a batting cages, seated on a wooden bench as Jeremy and Kol took turns seeing who could hit ball the hardest.

It didn't make much sense, she wasn't into sports but Lynn figured she was faring better than making a phone call to her cousin who was no doubt going to murder her at first sight.

"Could you be any less obvious? Darling?" Kol's teasing voice pulled Lynn from her thoughts. "You look as if you could murder your phone."

Lynn scowled. "Car-Bear is plotting my murder. I can feel it." Her gaze left Jeremy and settled on Kol.

"Shouldn't you be pretending to suck at baseball?"

"And shouldn't you be learning how to actually hit the ball?" Jeremy called, a teasing smile gracing his lips as he left the batting cages and plopping down next to her. He pulled his helmet off and grabbed his water bottle.

"I mean, the attempt you made this morning?"

"Absolutely horrendous." Kol completed his taunt, shaking his head as he offered a somber expression. "I've seen toddlers make more hits than you."

"You know," Lynn raised her voice, glowering at the pair that were unfortunately friends. "Just because I can't hit a ball flying at my face at thousands of miles doesn't mean I can't do other things."

"The ball was going ten miles." Jeremy corrected with a roll of his eyes.

Kol thought for a second before shaking his head. "No, it was going slower than that."

Lynn responded with a scowl and huff. "Jeremy, don't you have homework to do?"

She changed the conversation, her gaze moving from Kol and settling on the laid-back Gilbert. His dark eyes furrowed in thought as he stretched his legs in front of him. He shook his head.

"It's the weekend. Beside's I usually do my homework in free period so it wouldn't matter." Jeremy offered her a confused look.

"Trying to get rid of me so you and Kol can spend the entire weekend sleeping together?"

"I am not answering that." Lynn paled for a fraction of a second before she turned as red as fire hydrant.

She stood then, shaking her head to rid her thoughts of the images that fought to form. There was no way she'd think about her and Kol, in any capacity.

It was bed enough she was currently living with him and even worse that he convinced Jeremy they were there because they were thinking about a winter wedding.

That lie had floated back to Mystic Falls, her having found out by way of a very angry text and a phone call from one Original who laughed.

"Yeah, I don't want to hear about what you guys do." Jeremy chuckled as he watched Lynn no doubt fight her thoughts. His gaze slipped to Kol, who was smirking at her.

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