Kay, wait for me!

437 18 2

Kay's pov:

I was strolling at the beach alone. Just like what I always did in Australia, all alone, so I was used to it. After since I moved to England, I've never been so lonely. Nobody to talk to.

Jessica, she's the one who made me feel loved and cared. Orlando was with Jessica now, so that's why I'm alone.

The sea breeze is now calm, and peaceful but my mind is in a mess. But I can't tell why, I can't blame anyone. It's all my own's fault.

I just want Jessica to be happy. She's the only one I got now. So I want to help her to find the one she love. She like Orlando, so two of them must be together. I want to give her happiness, if she was happy, so do I.

"Hey, let go of me, can't you just leave me alone?" I heard a loud noise over the beach. The sound was so familiar. I'll never forget his sexy, baritone, British accented voice. It was Orlando's voice.

I turned to his direction. I saw Jessica was wearing a bikini while Orlando still had his clothes on. Jessica was trying to take off his shirt but Orlando refused to let her did it.

"Hey, baby, don't be shy, just let me take it off, well, just like last time..." Jessica said.

What did she meant last time?

"I say, just let go of me, I want to leave now. I was not in the mood to be at the beach."

"Oh really? So where do you wanted to go, huh? The room?"She said seductively. I can't stand it anymore.

The room?! No way, she can't just take him into the room, we wouldn't know what will happen in there, I wanted to stop them. No...it will ruin the whole plan...but Orlando....

"Just fuck off, you bitch. Just stay out of my sight, I don't want to see you again." Orlando shouted, I never saw he was in such temper, he never been so emotional.

I feel like I wanted to pull Jessica out of Orlando's sight now, I wanted him to stay calm. I hope I can just be there cooling him down...but I just can't.

After all its Jessica's job, not mine. Maybe I should just let her do it. I believe she can do it. Perhaps, better than me.

The next moment, Orlando's temper turned upside down, he acted different now, he was holding Jessica in his arms.

Then he picked her up, he ran towards the sea, who was welcoming them with open arms. It was weird, the second before this he was mad and at her, but now, he was playing with her. Enjoying himself.

What's wrong with him? I should just let them both enjoy the moment, there's no need for me to be here right now. I'm just a third person here, I have no right to be here.

Third person's pov:

Kay went back to the hotel room alone. She don't know what was she feeling or doing now. She don't get it. Maybe, Orlando love Jessica too, she should just leave.

However, Kay doesn't noticed that Orlando was actually watching her from the sea.


Orlando's pov:

Kaylene Woodley! How could she? Did she noticed what she had just done? Did you still don't understand, miss Woodley ?

"I say, just let go of me, I want to leave now. I was not in the mood to be at the beach." I shouted.

Jessica, what a bitch, I am not in the mood now, can you just fuck off? Just leave me.

"Oh really? So where do you wanted to go, huh? The room?" Can you just stop sarcasting me now, you whore, if you wanted sex, find someone else. You could have as many man as you wanted, but please just leave me alone now. I want peace.

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