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Someone once told me to always turn a negative into a positive but how can I turn a car crash that litterally ruined my life into a positive?

People keep telling me i'll get through it all and that it will eventually get better but I honestly think they say that because they pity me and wanna give me false hope, because I litterally lost everthing that day.

It was December 23rd and we were in the car heading home to England from our holiday house in California. Every year before our white christmas we go to California for a reward of hard work in school. My parents were in the front talking about the resturant they own, my brother Mickey (Michel) was in the back sitting next to me playing or texting on his phone while I had my earphones in listening to Ed Sheeran's A Team song.

The snow outside was extremely heavy that night that you couldn't even see twenty meters infront of you so we were driving half the speed like your supposed to do. Our car stopped because of the snow and so my Dad and Mickey got out in their thick winter clothing to try and dig the wheels out of the snow. I had just gotten out of the car and walked to the edge of the forest which was about five meters to the side of the car. I started building a snowman when I heard an awful screeching sound and right when I looked up the car that had been speeding down the road came and hit the front of the car where Mickey and dad where, which crushed them both into the front of the car and mum was in the front seat with her front half hanging out of the windscreen with glass surrounding her and her lower half was squished between her seat the dashboard.

I had stood there for maybe an hour when I heard the sirens approaching. I just watched as the many cops, fire engines and ambulances came to the wreckedge. A young female officer came up to me and as soon as she put her arms around my shoulders and hugged me I felt my shocked state fade and reality hit causing the tears to flow continuously down my face until I was completely numb. She had asked me all these questions and I had answered them all as best I could without talking much.

I had spent the night in hospital because I was emotionally and physically exusted. Friends and Family had come to see me and i'd just lay there and tune out hoping this was all a dream but evertime my eyes opened I would be facing the hospital window as the snow came down and the imiges of the crash came back.

It's been eight months since that accident and every night I close my eyes i'm back at the crash site. I've been having to see a therapist since the accident but I hardly say a word to her or anyone anymore. My friends don't know what to do and so they leave me alone and when im home I just go to my room and do my homework and grab something small to eat before going to dinner.

I now live with my mums sister Harper, her husband Mark and their four year old son Samual. since I was sixteen at the time of the crash and am now seventeen I can't legally live on my own yet. All my parents and brothers money came to me along with their most treasured things. I guess you could say I am very wealthy now but it's not how I dreamed I would become rich nor is it how I wanted to become rich. From my mum I got her engagment and wedding ring along with her silver locket that has been in the family for something like six generations, from dad I got the resturant and from my brother I got his skateboard, guitar and his 1 year old chocolate labrador named Brownie which he had let me name when he brought her back from the animal shelter.

School isn't the same anymore either. Everyone gives me pity looks and the teachers give me less homework and stuff. My friends don't act the same around me anymore infact they hardly hang around me anymore. If someone new comes to the school by the end of first period they know about me and try and stay clear of me along with everyone else. I used to be Captain of the volleyball team and now i'm the schools outcast or loner.

At home everyone treats me like expensive china that needs to be handled delicatly. We hardly talk probably because I hardly talk but they mainly just don't talk to each other because we don't know how to act around watch other anymore without getting upset.

My life used to be so happy and carefree like, and now it's just gloomy and depressing to be in. I have never thought about suicide and will never commite it because I know my parents would be disappointed in me and they would want me to live my life and not end it because I couldn't handle it.

So how can I stay positive if there isn't any positivity where I go? Well that all changed when someone new came into my life and didn't think differently of me from when we first meet.

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