Positivity? more like negativity

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Positivty? more like negativity

Emma's pov

Just a normal uneventful day in England. The cool air surrounding me as I walked to school the pity looks in the hallway and the loneliness of being a loner or outcast. How every you wanna put it.

It's only first period and like always i'm in the back next to the window and no one sits next to me. How much I just wanna be in my warm bed at home.

The bell finally ends my torture only to start the new one which is period two. Sighing I grab my bag from the side of my desk before heading out the door and into the schools own personal highway!

Why can't we like all have teleporting powers so we can travel to classes without getting stuck in crowded places and get somewhere on time? Teleporting powers could have also saved my parents and brothers life too. Maybe I should have told my parents that I wasn't alright to travel because of my fever that I had at the time. Maybe then I would go to school with friends and come home to my family and everything would be normal once again.

But sadly reality came back to me when I heard the bell for second period go and I realised that I had stopped walking while I had zoned out. Shifting my bag further up my shoulder I walked to second period and slipped into my seat while the teacher was looking at the board.

I took my laptop out and started writing out the notes on the board and before I knew it there was the sound of a bell and my head shot up. I seriously need to stop falling asleep in class because i'm gonna miss some important stuff. Actually now that I think about it i've missed quit a lot of stuff.

Anyways i'm zoning out again argh save me now. Packing my laptop away I clambered out of my seat and made my way to the place where I grab my daily food if you wanna call it that. Honestly I think i'll call it slop.

Proud with the knew name I grab the slop before taking a seat at my table let me enphasis the word MY table! Anyways it's my table because it's next to the window in the far corner and no one sits with me so mmmm it's mine.

Study hall was next so I went to the library and went to the corner hidden by bookshelves and sat down placing my earphones in my ear and listening to lighthouse by Lucy Spraggan. I have so much respect for her because all her songs have a much deeper meaning and are things we face everyday which makes them relatable.

Humming to the tune I finished off my history essay and then started brainstorming ideas for my art homework. Grabbing my art folio I opened it and started sketching. When I finished I looked at my art piece and was pleased with it. It was simple yet me. The light pink rose in the middle of the page with black music notes starting fom half way between the boarder and flower, and fading into the flowers center. The background was tall grass surrounding the flower and the gaps were filled with a light blue as the sky but from the view down below the grass.

Art is really the only escape for me along with photography which helps me carry a passion to do something with life instead of being in a depressing bubble all the time along with music.

The last bell went so grabbing my bag I headed out front and started my journey home. Ever since the accident I haven't been able to bring myself to go on anything that has an engine. It's most likely just a fase like my therapist had said but that fase isn't going away anytime soon I don't think.

The warmth of the house is a pleasnat welcome to the outside breeze. Taking my shoes off I head to the back of the house and take the stairs upto the attic where my room, art and photography is located. Gramps also bought me a piano a few months ago so i've been teaching myself that as well.

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