Chapter 2

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The school grounds felt different today like the peacefulness had slightly dissipated itself into a void. It felt a bit darker as Catherine enters the school. She starts making her way down to her locker to get her books for class. She starts hearing faint whispers in her ears and then a high pitch scream as she closes her ears with her hands. She falls down to the floor hitting her head against the lockers.

Catherine's school mates help her up. Her head is bleeding a bit from the hit. She walks to the nurse's office with her hand against the bleeding wound.

A silhouette starts to form behind Catherine's shadow on the wall. It follows closely for a little while until it disappears.

Catherine walks into the nurse's office stumbling a bit getting onto the examination table letting her legs dangle off of the side. Her head is pounding as the nurse takes a look at the wound.

"Ouch be careful please" Catherine says to the nurse.

"It's not too deep of a wound so I will just bandage it up and let you get to class" the nurse states as she gets the bandage from a drawer.

After the nurse finishes wrapping the wound she sends Catherine on her way to class. "Well at least I missed some of geography" she thinks to herself.

"It's just so boring" still talking to herself as she opens the class room door and goes to her seat.

After class was over it was the lunch period. Catherine heads over to the cafeteria. She gets in line to get food and one of the drinks that was being served today.

Catherine walks over to a table only to stumble a little bit while lowering herself to sit. Her friends join her at the table she was sitting on.
Her three best friends, they all grew up together in the same town, just a couple blocks away from each other. Her gay friend Roman, he is about 5' 8" in height, a little bit muscular with a crew cut. He weighs about 150lbs and he speaks with a stylish type of tone like from fashion designers. He comes from a line of Spanish descent.

Then there is Bridget, she is about 5' 3" with a slim figure to go with that genius brain of hers. She wears nerdy type of glasses and keeps her hair usually in a ponytail. She weighs about 130lbs even with a tight stomach. Her origins come from France and Australia.

Then there's my lesbian friend Sasha, she is 5' 5" and her body is like a straight stick pointing upward with out curves. She weighs about 130lbs with a comb over hair style with purple highlights. I found that out one day when we were both 13. Her origins mainly come from Germany.

"So what happened to your head" Roman says looking curiously at the wound.

"I hit my head hard on the pointy edge of a locker when I tripped" Catherine says not knowing what truly happened to her.

"I don't think I tripped at all" Catherine says to herself. She heads to her next class when she starts feeling light headed for a little bit. She passes Devon as he was getting his books for the next class.

Catherine got warm with ecstasy. She blushes as she quickly scampers down to the classroom. She quickly walks in the classroom and sits down.

It was time for advance english. Catherine was better then most when it came to english.

The teacher begins to talk and goes until the bell rings.

"One more class to go" Catherine says to herself as she gets the last book she needs from her locker.


The last bell finally rings and Catherine scrambles to her locker to get the books she needs for the classes she has homework for.

Catherine walks to the school bus and gets on. She makes her way down to a seat and slides in. After everyone gets on the school bus, The school bus driver closes the doors and puts it in drive. He pushes the gas pedal down and the school bus starts to move.


Catherine and her friends get off the bus when it got to their stop. They say good bye for now and start walking to their house's. As she gets to her front porch she feels a chill go down her spine like freezing water going down her back. She rubs her arms as she walks inside of her house trying to get rid of the goosebumps.

Catherine sets down her backpack by the front door and walks upstairs to her room.

"Welcome home and how was school today" her mom yells up the stairs.

" it went fine" Catherine says back also yelling down the stairs.

Catherine still feels the pain from hitting the edge of the locker with her head when she slipped.

Catherine decides to get a shower to help with the pain. It helps to some extent but not perfect. She heads back down stairs to watch some tv before dinner.


After dinner Catherine went back to her room and started up on her homework.


Catherine hears a soft tapping on the wall by her desk. She puts down her pencil for a second and listens but then it goes silent. She picks up her pencil again and continues doing her homework like nothing happened.


It hits 10pm on Catherine's alarm clock by her bed. She yawns as she has a little bit to do yet until she can go to bed.


Catherine finally finishes her homework. She gets up and walks over to her bed. The clock on her night stand read 10:25pm. She lays down and puts the covers over her and turns on the alarm for school in the morning. She closes her eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep.

 The Pebble In The River (Suicide Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now