○blood & villains 鋭中媛○

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just going to say, shit gets real

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☆Your POV☆

I wake up to my head throbbing 'Jesus Christ, what did he hit me with'. I look around noticing I'm on a....couch? I snap out of my thoughts, hearing people talking, that voice, I know that voice. My brother. I see him turn to me and smile. "(Y/n), your awake. Now before we start talking, I don't want you to get mad, ok?" I give him a look of confusion and then I see someone stand up from what looks like a bar, immediately when he turns around, I wanted to kill my brother for bringing him here. Oh shit, wait this is his bar, never mind I guess.

Shigaraki Tomura, my Uncle. 

No that wasn't his real name but I honestly could give less shits about him

"What the hell is hand fetish doing here" I said, mocking the hands he always wore all over his body. Tomura looked like he was about to kill me with his hands. "Oh come on now, N/n. I'm your uncle after all, at least show a little respect, after all I'm legally supposed to be your guardian"

He wasn't wrong, he was supposed to be my guardian. Mom wanted him too even tho she had bad history with her brother. The only reason she did was because she wanted me to know about her side of the family but dad wouldn't let that happen. Thank the lord he knew who Tomura really was. If Tomura ever had custody over me, he would force me to kill, not that I haven't killed before but those times were accidents because I hadn't had control over my quirks. I knew about all for one and what is his Intentions were. To be fully honest, All for one and Tomura scare the living shit out of me, tho I never showed it. If I did, things would be totally different right now. Tomura is literally the living definition of the Satan spawn. The things he's said and done to mom were horrific, I'm the only one that had witnessed what he did to her, the physical and mental abuse were enough to give me, though the only time he's ever hurt me was on accident, he touched my upper right arm with his whole hand making it decay slightly before he pulled away. That alone gave me ptsd, whenever someone would try to touch me I would flinch, afraid I would decay in an instant.

"What the hell do you want, hand fetish" I glared at him and he glared back making me flinch a bit but not enough for him to notice. "Ah so mean, N/n. I just wanted to talk about you joining the League" he said with a smirk. 'Pedo' I thought. I then say,  "I was gonna say yes but now that I know you're here, how about no" 

I could see his anger but it soon departed with a smile, it looked......perverted. I shivered, I looked at him with displeasure. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, even though he didn't show it, he loved me. And how may I know that you might ask, well All for one told me. Me and him have met once and may I say, he needs to get his ass to a hospital. His state right now looks like he just got shit on by a dinosaur.

"You can go (n/n), see you later my little nephew" As soon as he said that, the last thing I saw was him picking me up before everything  went black.

☆Time skip☆ 

I woke up to my head banging and my body hurt all over. 'This feels like the time I fell of my toilet trying to get WiFi connection'. I remember what happened and my face turned into displeasure. I see a box in my night stand and there's a note.

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Dear, (n/n)

Sorry if you wake up feeling like you just got fucked ten times over but I kinda dropped you down the stairs, surprisingly you didn't wake but it did look like it hurt. Anyway I got you a gift because I saw your scars on your wrist, so I thought I would help.


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I opened the box and saw a bunch of bandages and colorful cartoon band-Aid's. I hate to admit it but I'm great full that he cares for me even though I'm a total ass to him. I look at my clock and see that's its 6:37am, school doesn't start in a hour or so. Why not take a nice bath.

Trigger warning

I walk to my bathroom and turn the nob to hot. The bath with warm water as I start getting undressed and look in the mirror. Visible scars were on my thighs, wrist, and ankles. Bruises forming on my hip and arms. My lip looked bruised and had dried blood on it. 'How hard did I fall??' I thought while slightly touching my now bruised lip.

I get in the bath and sit in silence, the smell of f/s in the air. My pale skin turning red from how hot the water was, though I could care less. My hip bones slightly showing. I stare at the razor on the side of my bathtub, picking up the small bit of metal. It was cold, probably the fact that I haven't used it in awhile. I hold it up to my right thigh close to my knee and slide it across, blood started coming out form the long slit. I feel stress start to leave my body. I didn't do this just because I was depressed, I also did it because it was intriguing, the blood intrigued me. How it runs down my skin so carelessly, knowing if I cut deep enough I could bleed out. 

You can tell how mentally unstable I am when I get depressed, oh how fucked up I am.

I get out of the tub, my leg still bleeding from the cut. I wrap a bandage around my leg and put some shorts on and a hoodie that was little to big for me. I look at the time it it's already 7. 'Damn, I was in the bathroom for over 20 minuets, I better start getting ready for school' I think as I run our of the bathroom and grab my uniform, putting it on but put my hoodie over it and start to head out to school, groaning in  exhaustion.

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