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*watching a scary movie with Tsuyu, izuku, uraraka, and kirishima*

Me: *taking movie like a champ sitting next to Tsuyu with my arm around her*

Tsuyu: *i can feel my eyelids getting heavy focusing on tokoyamis heartbeat*

Kirishima: *whispers* heh izuku look at those too, why don't you do that with uraraka?

Izuku: ah eh um izuku.exe has stopped working

Kirishima: heh I broke him

Me: *i could feel Tsuyu getting comfy in my arms and next thing I know I hear her softly snoring*

Uraraka: Tokoyami! Don't move or you'll wake her up!

Me: I know *gets a ding on his phone*

Me: oh great really in the middle of a movie? *looks at question and literally looks like a tomato*

Me: oh great really in the middle of a movie? *looks at question and literally looks like a tomato*

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Kirishima: ooo what has you so red Toko?

Me: *shows Kirishima the question*

Kirishima: wha- Kirishima.exe has stopped working

Uraraka: *grabs phone from broken Kirishima* what so bad about the que- Uraraka (Not responding)

Me: *taking phone back* I have to answer it I made a promise.

daughter_of_tsuyu  I'm not sure because me and her never went that far

Me: slowly getting up to not wake up Tsuyu, and went to room to think about this for several hours

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