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Its been 3 days since I've seen him.

To top that off—I feel like shit. It feels like I'm coming down with something. My body aches and I can't seem to stop shivering, my appetite is gone, my brain feels foggy...

I dragged myself to my abuela's house that day to bring her some groceries. The brown paper bag I was carrying felt like a 50 pound weight. By the time I got to her door, I had to lean on the frame for support.

"Abuela..." I said weakly

I heard some shuffling before she opened the door a few seconds later.

"Zoe, I—" The expression on her face quickly turned from joy to concern "Que te paso?"
(What happened to you?)

"Nothing. I just... I'm not feeling well."

She ushered me inside and took the groceries out of my arms, setting them down in the kitchen while I struggled to stand on my own. She made me lay down on the couch.

She placed her hand on my forehead.

"You have a fever—and you stink... you smell like that demon." She noted "Has it showed up?"

I shook my head.

"Not in 3 days." I replied

She left for a bit, returning with a mug of hot tea. She wrapped me in a colorful blanket as I told her about my symptoms.

"Your sickness is that demons doing."

I shook my head

"I really think I just caught something, grandma."

"No. This is your spiritual energy... somethings wrong."

"But like I said, I haven't seen him—it—in days."

"Doesn't mean it isn't lingering, stinking up your energy."

"I give up. Whatever this demon is, nothing seems to be making it go away." I concluded "Maybe theres nothing we can do anymore..."

I closed my eyes, too weak to hold them open any longer.

"We might have to take greater measures... Zoe I'm really worried..."

Her voice faded into the background. I don't know if I fell asleep or passed out, I just knew I was in another state of mind. My body felt lighter, my aches disappeared.

It was dark, I rubbed my eyes hoping it would help me see better. I could hear...music in the distance. A voice, chanting quietly.

I am a murderer
I am a demon, the son of a serpent
What is your faith?
What is your worth?
Have you felt acknowledgment?
If I kill you now, will you go to heaven or hell you believe in?

The Demon in My Room (PERMANENT HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now