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That face was etched in my mind as I layed in bed that night. No matter what I did to distract myself, it wouldn't go away. What do I even chalk that up to? Was my crazy ass just seeing shit?

Was he really there?
And if he was... who is he?

Once I finally was able to fall asleep, my dream was horrible. I was running through darkness for what felt like hours—never able to catch my breath, never knowing what I was running from. My body wouldn't turn around to look no matter how hard I tried. I twisted and squirmed until my back ached, desperately trying to see who or what was chasing me to no avail.

Ice cold hands slithered around my throat and squeezed until I couldn't breathe, couldn't scream. They lifted me off of the ground and suspended me in the darkness. My heart was beating out of my chest as I felt myself begin to lose consciousness.

"Zoe." A deep voice whispered and echoed from all directions

Suddenly, the hands let me go and my body fell, colliding with the ground. It took all of my strength to lift my head to look up. When I did, I was greeted by the man... the man from the train. I felt the familiar onset of nausea and intense anxiety just like when I saw him before.

His eyes were completely black—deep terrifying obsidian orbs

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His eyes were completely black—deep terrifying obsidian orbs. I shot up in bed, hyperventilating and drenched in a cold sweat. My eyes darted around my room, making sure I was alone. I tried to calm myself down and hurriedly chugged most of the bottle of water on my nightstand.

I drew my knees to my chest.

Whats happening to me...?


I was awakened by pale gray morning light and strong scent of... cinnamon? Almost like someone was baking.

This would be fucking great and all...
If I didn't live alone. Considering all the weird shit that's been happening to me since last night, I wanted to be extra caref—


My body immediately jerked back, smashing into my headboard.

No... No no... what the fuck?

The Demon in My Room (PERMANENT HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now