Chapter 2: Decoration Ideas

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Michael 's POV: " After Luke and I finished eating our lunch, we sat back down in the living room area and continued to talk about decoration ideas for the rest of the bedrooms and bathrooms to make it suitable for the number of kids that we were going to adopt this year. "

Luke: " So what are you thinking about how to decorate our sons bedrooms and bathrooms when we adopt? " He asked Michael for what he had in mind.

Michael: " How about we paint the bedroom walls blue and put boy stuff in the room to make it suitable for a boy and the bathroom walls we paint light green and have a camouflage shower curtain. " He says to Luke.

Luke: " Yes, sounds good. " He says writing everything down.

Michael: " since we have seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms, we would be adopting four girls and three boys. " He says to Luke.

Luke: " Babe, you are right. " He says agreeing with Michael.

Michael: " I feel like we should keep all the boys bedrooms and bathrooms decorated with boy colors. " He says to Luke.

Luke: " I agree with you. " He says to Michael.

Michael: " One of our daughters bedrooms can look like this. " He says to Luke showing him the picture that he found online.

Luke: " I actually like that. " He says to Michael with a gigantic smile on his face.

Michael: " We should, make the bathroom look girly as well. " He says to his husband Luke.

Luke: " I'm thinking about buying some decorative throw pillows for our daughters bedrooms. " He says to Michael.

Michael: " I'll buy decorative throw pillows for our son's bedrooms. " He says to Luke.

Luke: I think that one of our daughters rooms should have Disney Princesses.

Michael: Perfect for a little girl.

Luke: And then one of our sons rooms should be a Superhero room.

Michael: Yes.

Luke: Another one of our daughters bedrooms should be like purple and pink.

Michael: I like it and another one of our sons bedrooms should be like a gamer type room.

Luke: That would be great.

Michael: There will be a gaming chair and his bedding would say eat, sleep, game; with some other stuff.

Luke: I love it. Each bedroom should be you know personalized.

Michael: I agree.

Luke: Our fourth daughter's bedroom should be a complete you know Rockstar room. * he says to his husband Michael, showing his some rockstar bedroom designs *

Michael: I love these designs and you never know the person we adopt could possibly play guitar, drums, bass or could be a possible singer in the future. * He says to his husband Luke *

Luke: You do have a point.  * he says agreeing with Michael *

Michael: Do you think that we should put together a plan or do you want to just wing it? * He says to Luke *

Luke: I think that we should just wing it. * he says to Michael *

Michael: We have to get the kids we adopt some beds amongst other things. * he sats to Luke *

Luke: I know but we should decorate the rooms first before we get the Furniture. * he says to Michael *

Michael: You're right. * he says agreeing with Luke *

Luke: Let's make a list of the things we need to decorate the bedrooms and bathrooms. * He says to Michael *

Michael: I think that is an incredible idea. * He says opening his laptop and turning it on before signing in and pulling up a blank word document *

Luke: We should list the paint colors we need to get first and then we can list the decorative pillows we will be getting amongst other things. * he says to Michael *

Michael: Okay, I'm typing up the list right now. * He says to Luke while making a section to list the paint they'll need for the bedrooms on Microsoft Word *

Luke: So, what is on the list for the girls bedrooms. * He asks Michael looking over his shoulder at his laptop screen and then kissing him*

Michael: Well, honey. This is what I have so far on the list of supplies needed for the girls 's bedrooms. I put together a list of supplies needed for each of our daughter's bedrooms and bathrooms, and I categorized each list and put the theme at the top. * He says to Luke showing him what he had so far in each theme for their rooms *

Luke: That looks so organized. I can work on the list of the supplies needed for our son's bedrooms and bathrooms while you finish the list for our daughter's bedroom and bathrooms, how does that sound? * He says to his Husband going to their shared master bedroom suite and then grabbing his laptop and walking down the steps and going back to the Kitchen where Michael is sitting at the bar and joining him *

Michael: That's fine. It does make it easier for us because I can finish the list of supplies needed for our daughters bedrooms and bathrooms and you can focus on the list of supplies needed for our son's bedroom and bathrooms. I also had another idea. * He says to his husband Luke *

Luke: What is that? * He asks his husband Michael wanting to know what his idea was and then following Michael's organization for their son's bedrooms and bathrooms and also keeping his phone close by just in case he needed it *

Michael: We can get our mum's to work on our four daughters bedrooms and bathrooms and once they get their rooms done we could go in and add the finishing touches and we can get the guys to work on our three son's bedrooms and bathrooms and have our mum's add the finishing touches and then get help from some of our friends get the furniture moved into the bedrooms, there isn't much of anything that needs to go in the bathrooms. How does that sound? * He says to his husband Luke finishing the lists for their daughters ' bedrooms and bathrooms and then getting up from his bar stool and grabbing a beer from the fridge and opening it to drink it *

Luke: So, basically you are saying that our mum's would be in charge of getting the bedrooms for our daughters together and once our daughters rooms are ready you and I can go in and add the finishing touches and have our friends bring in all of the furniture once we get them and Vice versa. * He says to his husband Michael feeling really happy about what Mikey was talking about and then grabbing a beer from the fridge as well and drinking it *

Michael: Yes, so basically our mum's would be handling the painting and the designs for the girls 's bedrooms and bathrooms and we would be handling the painting and designs for our son's bedroom and bathrooms and the once our mum's finish the girl's bedrooms and bathrooms we basically add the finishing touches after the furniture is brought in and then our mum's add the finishing touches to our son's bedrooms and bathrooms once everything is brought in. * He explains to his husband Luke before giving him a kiss on the lips and hugging him before making the both of them a snack to eat before they both talk about what they would be having for dinner tonight and then sitting back in his seat at the bar area in the kitchen *

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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