Beaten, but not broken

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-Nemesis, Prison floor-

Optimus groaned, his systems slowly coming online. His optics flickered to life, adjusting to the darkness of the cell he was in. He tried to move, but he was held back by electrical cuffs that were bolted to the ceiling.

His entire body ached, like he just got ran over. Well, he sorta did get run over. Megatron really pounded him into scrap this time.

He heard the door slide open and sighed, not even bothering to lift his head.

"Enjoying your stay?" Came the shrill voice of Starscream, who fluttered his wings and smirked.

No response.

Starscream growled, stepping right up to Optimus and snatching him by the jaw. "You will reply when I am talking to you, understood?" He said harshly, digging the sharp ends of his fingers into Optimus's jawline.

"I... don't... have... to.. answer.... to.. you..." Optimus spat, his optics narrowed. He slowly raised his head and glared at Starscream.

Starscream snarled, smacking him across the face. "You WILL answer to me whether you like it or not!"

Optimus shrunk back at the stinging pain on his cheek. Starscream has scratched him across the face where he smacked him, leaving three bleeding streaks of energon. But still, he remained defiant. "No.."

Starscream cursed in frustration, grabbing the nearest torture tool he could find and jabbing it under Optimus's chin. It just so happened to be an electric taser. "One more word out of you and I'll use this on you..." he hissed, pressing the taser against Optimus's neck cables.

"I'm... not.. afraid... of.... you.." Optimus growled, his raspy voice forcing him to whisper.

"Suit yourself."

Optimus released a gut-wrenching scream that echoed throughout the warship when Starscream turned on the taser. Electric currents zapped through his body, making every part shudder and convulse. His pain receptors were unresponsive due to the sheer amount of pain being registered by his systems.

Finally, Starscream turned off the taser and pulled it away. Smoke came off of Optimus's singed armor, creating a foul smell on top of the stench of spilt energon on the floor.

Optimus took in heavy breaths, the pain being almost unbearable. His systems were exhausted and he desperately wanted to recharge. But there was no way he was going to recharge in Starscream's presence.

"Just look at you. Not so strong now are you, Optimus Prime?" Starscream mocked him, circling him like a cat cornering its prey.

Optimus didn't respond. Starscream didn't deserve his strength or his time. All he deserved was a good kick in the aft, but he couldn't do that now in this position. He merely grunted, still trying to cope with the pain.

"I know the pain you're going through. It's tough, really."

Optimus's head whipped up and anger boiled within his chest. He had just about had enough of Starscream. "You... could.. NEVER... understand.. the.... pain.." He rasped, pulling weakly at his restraints.

"Oh really? I could, because we haven't even scratched the surface on the topic of pain. I'll show you what real pain feels like when I return. You will regret saying that..." Starscream hissed, turning on his heel and leaving Optimus alone in the cell.

Optimus hung his head and moaned, his body aching more than before. That moment of strength and determination was gone, replaced by depression and hopelessness. He was just an empty shell of his former self, weak and vulnerable.

He had lost all hope at this point. What more did he have to lose?

-A few hours later-

Optimus had managed to slip into a fitful recharge right when Megatron entered the cell.

Megatron studied Optimus for a while with curiosity, watching him twitch in his sleep.

He decided that he had waited long enough and tapped his pede on the floor, startling Optimus awake. "Have a nice recharge?" He chuckled, folding his hands behind his back.

Optimus couldn't even look Megatron in the optics. He had beaten him so badly that his pride was damaged beyond repair. He wished that Megatron would just disappear into thin air so he could finally rest.

"No response, eh? That's alright, I wasn't planning on listening to what you had to say either. Your meager opinion doesn't matter to me. You are nothing but an empty protoform with the spark of a worthless Prime." Megatron growled, pacing back and forth before Optimus.

Optimus barely opened his optics, watching drearily as Megatron paced back and forth. He saw him pause and lean forward, then he felt him gently hold him by the chin and tip his head up so he would look at him directly.

"You tried your best... But your attempts were futile in stopping me. I admire your sense of determination and leadership, but now you've lost your touch."

Optimus coughed up a bit of energon, his body shuddering. "N-No..." he whispered, his throat raw and worn.

Megatron grinned sincerely, releasing Optimus and stepping towards the door. "I've finally broken you down to your core, where you're most vulnerable. All I have to do is crush it to destroy all hope.."

Optimus huffed, holding his head up high and taking a deep breath. "Beaten... but... not.. broken...."

"Tough words coming from a bot chained to the ceiling at my mercy." Megatron sneered, leaving the cell in silence.

There was a spark of determination that was beginning to come alive within Optimus. All it needed was something to feed on and start a flame.

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