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When people spoke of Noah they didn't speak of how tragic his life really was

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When people spoke of Noah they didn't speak of how tragic his life really was.

No-no they spoke of his amazing football records and his perfect girlfriend.

They spoke of his supportive family, the ones who attended all his games and cheered him on.

They spoke of his younger brother Jackson and how cute he was, they spoke of how in love their parents were.

What they didn't speak of however, was the bruises that covered Noah.

They didn't speak of his parents divorce.

They didn't speak of Jackson turning to drugs and violence.

And they most certainly didn't speak of the night Noah was arrested for his parents murder.

The small town of ivy cove fell silent that night.

The sound of sirens flowed through the town and into every single houses windows.
The news displayed Noah's picture for everyone to see every night of every trial date.

Nobody knew what to say.

Noah was a good kid, he had it all and then he just snapped?

None of it made sense, at least to Spencer it didn't.

The quaint little town seemed to accept the fact that Noah had killed his parents in cold blood.

He didn't have a motive, he just snapped.

Spencer had always found Noah fascinating for some reason.

Maybe it was his good looks? Or maybe it was his amazing life, perfect girlfriend, loving family, or maybe the fact that he was never rude to anyone.

The boy everyone loved.

The one they worshipped.

He couldn't hurt a fly, and yet he killed his parents.

Spencer didn't know what it was but she wanted to know what made him snap that night.

So when Noah got released from prison on October 7th that's exactly what she did.

Throwing everything she needed into a bag and then into her car Spencer headed to the prison Noah was to be released from.

She didn't have a plan per-say, all she knew was that she wanted to get into his brain, to find what made him tick.

Who knows maybe it was all a misunderstanding. Spencer thought hopefully. Maybe he didn't mean to kill them.

That thought went straight out the window as she pulled into the lot and saw the one and only Noah speaking with his brother Jackson.

Noah yelled and yelled at his brother before realizing it probably wasn't the best thing to be aggressive right outside of a heavily guarded prison.

Shaking his head and walking away from his brother Noah locked eyes with Spencer.

Tensing up as Noah knocked on her window she looked at his large form with wide eyes before she rolled down the window a bit.

"Hi," he started off in a deep voice that suited him. "I know you don't know me but do you think you could drop me off anywhere?" he questioned with hopeful eyes.

Spencer didn't trust her voice so instead of using it she unlocked her passenger door.

What she was doing was extremely stupid but she wanted to know what really happened and this gave her the perfect opportunity.

Spencer was always a curious thing, as a child she progressed quickly through her classes due to her always wanting more and more knowledge. She asked a lot of questions.

It wasn't always a good trait to have however.

And that very trait came into play with Noah.

Unlike everyone else in Ivy Cove Spencer couldn't believe that Noah would do anything like this.

She wasn't close to him at all but they had spoken once or twice.

But those two times had Noah hooked.

The beautiful brunette from his third period English class was more than just a pretty face, completely different from his current girlfriend.

So when the said girl was outside of the prison he was released from he couldn't help but ask for a ride, especially if it would get him far away from his brother.

Watching from the side of his car as his older brother got into a car with a brunette he threw his cigarette to the floor, Jackson crushed the cigarette under his thick boot before hopping into his car and following them.

The car ride was awkward and silent.

Sure Spencer wanted to know what made him tick but she hadn't really planned on giving him a ride so soon or him even being in her car.

Spencer turned slightly to take a peek at Noah to find him with his head against the head rest, his Adam's apple bopping up and down whenever he swallowed, it being the only signal he was even alive.

Images of Spencer ran through his head as he closed his eyes and laid down.

What the hell is wrong with me. He thought as he sat by his crush of 4 years. I should've asked her out when I had the chance. But then again she would be scared of me now.

Noah was so into his thoughts as he daydreamed of what it would be like to have Spencer as his girlfriend.

They would go to an amusement park and then cuddle into each other with a blanket under the stars on some of Ivy coves many hills.

He wanted to kiss the girl until his lips went numb.

But he couldn't.

He lost everything that night.

Even if she didn't know it, Noah wanted her to be his.

So when Spencer opened her mouth to speak to him his heart skipped a beat.

And then when she was cut off but a car slamming into their side his heart stopped.

While Spencer and Noah laid unconscious in her car a delirious boy threw open his car door as he all but fell out of his car.

Taking sight of the car holding Spencer and Noah they boy passed out on the hot pavement as bystanders screeched for help.

Before succumbing to the darkness one thing was on Noah's mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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