'It's ok mate, I won't bite'

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I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room. Pitch black to be more accurate.
My sword was lying a few inches away from me. I quickly grabbed to make me feel more protective.

Suddenly one light turned on. I could see a silhouette of a man, standing a few feet away from me.

He comes closer to me. I hold my sword tighter, ready to defend.

" I see you have escaped the horrible prison known as the common world. It is sooo boring. About time we got a little adventure in this pathetic thing we call life." He drawled

Now I could see his face. Yellow eyes, slicked hair, and in short the most repulsive man I've ever seen.

" who are you?! Where have you taken me!?" I shrieked

" my my. Never really had parents to teach you manners, did you? One thing we have in common. But I had the sense to learn mine myself. Hello. My name is Pitch Black and I am here to kill you." He smiled sweetly as if he had said something totally normal.

I don't know why but I got more angry than frightened at this guy. How dare he even think that. I grabbed my sword, raised to defend, meaning I had accepted his challenge.

I thrust my sword at him. I was still not that threatened to use my powers. They must have gotten rusty from not using them. Anyways he created something like a shield out of magic black sand to protect.

Seriously, how many more surprises am I going to get today. Ok. Now I'm totally up for the challenge. As this sword fight goes on, it seemed like a perfect chance to ask something.

'Why have you gotten me here, pitch black'

'Oh, just to settle an old debt'

'How did you get me here, honestly, I am quite fascinated by your magic'

'I didn't get you here. I just invited you, and you just accepted.'

' what do you mean?'

'Everyone is vulnerable in their fearful moments.'

I dropped my sword. I just realized something.

'You killed my grandad ' I whispered

'So called grandad to be more accurate. Actually your real one too.'

I was to shocked to actually do anything. I stood there frozen. I suddenly snapped back to reality when he threw some sand at my feet, making me slip. Then he picked up my sword and laughed as I struggled to break free. He aimed it at my heart and raised it.
I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.



I opened one eye.

Suddenly golden lights flooded the room. A fat man with a white beard came in with ... The tooth fairy??????

Pitch was caught totally by surprise so I took the opportunity to kick him so that he fell down. Suddenly some kind of kangaroo came running towards me. I backed up.

'Its ok mate, I won't bite' he said and suddenly put a bag over me.

Again I was thrown into hellish darkness

Jelsa- forbidden( ft jackunzel)Where stories live. Discover now