Thor love how Bruce looks. He loves to cuddle him, he loves to lay his head on his belly, but Thor really just loves Bruce. He sees no flaw in how Bruce looks but Bruce always feels insecure. Bruce feels that he doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Avengers and he always tells Thor that he even tells him that all of the media agrees.
Thor always tells him that he is perfect the way he is, he always kisses him reassuring him that he is perfect and that he shouldn’t listen to the media and that they are just jealous because they are not a Avenger. Bruce tries to ignore the media but its just hard because its everywhere.”
Bruce decided to leave the lab at like 4 in the morning and he decided to get a snack from the kitchen. He didn’t feel like going to his and Thor’s bedroom since he would be back in the tower until morning since he was taking care of business somewhere in the 9 realms. He hoped he could fall sleep watching some opera.
He went to sit down on the couch before he turned on the tv. Before he could change the channel the news was talking about how Bruce wasn’t fit to be a hero.
“Do you really think that our kids should be looking up to someone like Bruce Banner.” A woman comments to the news anchor.
“True he isn’t even healthy enough to be a hero. Our kids should not look up and strive to be like a man like him. He isn’t only very unhealthy but he is also a green raging monster that hurts people and isn’t even apologetic about it.” What the man said made Bruce heart aches. He always felt terrible when he herd that the Hulk hurt or even killed someone.
Bruce always had problems with his weight. When he was younger his mother would make him pastries or she would buy them to try to make him feel better after his dad would hurt one of them. When Bruce ate cookies he always thought about his mom eating sweets always brought him confort especially after he hulked out. When he was a child he was a bit over weight but not to the point of like getting sick and not being able to do physical activity. He can still do a lot of normal things, he doesn’t get tired from just walking he can run maybe not so fast but he can do physical activity.
When he had to go on the run he had to do a lot of running and a lot of hiding. He ended up losing a lot of weight because he would ignore his hunger due to trying to stay as hidden as possible. He did eat now and then, he would eat sweet snacks or snacks in general since he didn’t want to eat a full meal because it would take longer to finish.
When he joined the Avengers he didn’t eat much because he felt like if he did he wouldn’t stop. He ended up eating normally but when he was required to turn into the hulk he started to eat more because food comfort him. He was really close with Tony and Tony was the only one that knew that he might have a bit of a eating problem.
When Bruce started to date Thor he felt even more self conscious then before. He thought why someone like Thor would ever want to be with someone like him. He started to accept him self more thanks to Thor but because of all of the media attention he got after pictures from his pass surface people(media) started to pay more attention to his weight. They started to get doctors to analyze his weight and how he is unhealthy and stuff like that he started to become more self conscious.
He ended up not eating, he stop showing up to breakfast and dinner. At first no one notice, everyone thought that he was just drowning him self in his work. Thor was the first to notice he realized that Bruce just stop eating, he notice that Bruce lost weight, he notice that he stop watching the news, he started to drown him self in his work, and he notice how when they would go to sleep how Bruce’s stomach would start to growl loudly. He started to worry even more when Bruce collapse in the middle of there bedroom. Tony said that Bruce’s blood pressure was really low and that he probably hasn’t eaten in a while.

thorbruce one shots
Fanfictionthese are a bunch of one shots based on Thor/Bruce You can request if you want comment your request or message me The character belong all to Marvel.