Bruce has been having problems lately and Thor has been getting worried only to be pushed aside by Bruce with him saying that he is fine.
Bruce is working in his make shift lab that's in the basement of his home, Thor walks into the basement and does not make a sound sneaking behind bruce and hugging him.
"Hello love, you should come up to bed its late." Thor says only to get pushed off.
"I'm doing something Thor, I have to finish this for Tony by tomorrow." Bruces says not even moving from his spot.
"Oh come on Bruce, your all working and doing not even sleep in the same bed anymore because of your always working." Before Bruce could say anything Thor stormed out of the basement and then out of the house with our looking back.
Bruce got up and then quickly ran out the door trying to catch up with Thor but loses him almost immediately. Bruce imminently felt like a piece of shit for not trying to be a better boyfriend.
Thor went to a bar not far from their homes and a few drinks in he starts talking to a guy who has a lot of the same interest as him but I have reminded him of Bruce on the way I look and even on the way he talks about what he does
Thor keeps drinking until I've honestly can barely talk. "Hey you want to go." Thor slurs out clearly not thinking straight. The guy answered with yes and say that they can go to his place which they do in the guys car.
Bruce is freaking out when Thor does not show up after a few hours, he calls his cell phone multiple times only to get Thor's voicemail. I was not able to sleep what I've ever stayed up all night sitting on the couch forgetting about the project I had to finish. I ended up using his laptop to track Thor's phone and ends up at a house on the other side of city.
Thor ended up waking up with a hangover and in another mans bed. The guy who slept with was still asleep. Thor got out of the bed and felt instant regret for his action. He loves Bruce and no matter what he could never never do anything like but he did and now he feels even worse for knowing that I've cheated on Bruce with a guy that kinda looked and acted like Bruce.
Bruce sits in his car out side of the house hoping so much praying to any god that will listen that Thor did not sleep with anyone. All that hope is shattered when Thor walks out of the house looking a bit drunk and really messy. Bruce's heart breaks and then is filled up with anger.
He gets out of his car and marches up to Thor. "How could you! Did you do my work, piss you off enough for you to fuck cheat!"
Thor is taken back because Bruce almost never talks like that but he tries to calm Bruce down by holding his shoulder. "Bruce wait its not what it looks like."
"Not what it looks like! It looks like you cheated and slept with another man!" Before Thor could answer Bruce runs to his car and quickly closes the door and starts the car.
Bruce drives home quickly goes inside and locks the door to his room only to fall to the ground and start crying.
About and hour passes until Thor reaches the house. Bruce has his knees over his chest while sitting on the floor when he hears the door to the room open.Bruce imminently stands up and wipes his tears away.
"What do you want Thor?"
"Bruce please let me explain-"
"Explain what Thor, you cheated me.I'm sorry, I was sorry, but I did not work on my work but I never would ever cheat on you. Did you cheat because I was doing my job or because I'm a useless piece of shit! "
"No, it's not like that."
"Get out!" Bruce starts to shit Thor's chest yelling.
"Do not get the fuck out now! Please! Just get out!"
Thor did he left with tear he knew he could not fix this he knew Bruce would not forgive him so he did he leaves and when he was out side he turned around only to see the door was already close and he could not see Bruce anywhere

thorbruce one shots
Fanfictionthese are a bunch of one shots based on Thor/Bruce You can request if you want comment your request or message me The character belong all to Marvel.