1. | Welcome to the Pittsburgh Penguin

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Steve's agent broke the news to the 25 year old at the hospital while he sat with his wife and new born son. At the time the blond didn't think it was real until Andre had sent him a goodbye text with five sad face emojis, the next few days were a blur as the family packed up, said their goodbyes and moved as soon as they were released from the hospital.

"I don't wike this"

"I know, I don't either but at least now Tony can only bother you when you go on roadies" Natasha smiled at him and patted his cheek while the movers finished moving the furniture, the red head held their son watching a black Jeep pull into their new driveway.

She was expecting Sidney Crosby to welcome Steve but she didn't expect him to bring a group of players from the team, she narrowed her eyes at them as she walked over to Steve where he was giving the movers a tip.

"Steve, your new captain is here and he brought friends"

He looked up at the men standing awkwardly by the Jeep "If they wake up James I'm going to kill them all" he smiled and kissed her head "They won't I promise" she snorted but nodded "I'm going to put Yasha down and you going to invite them in" he nods "yes ma'am" giving her a soft kiss on the cheek he walked over to his new captain.

Sidney straighten up sticking out his hand "Welcome to Pittsburgh" Steve took it with a nod looking at the players. He remembered Letang and Malkin but not the others "Why don't you guys come in" he said letting go of Crosby's hand motioning to the new house.

Crosby looked like he was going to object but Letang and Malkin agreed dragging the three players with them. The players entered the kitchen hearing the end of Natasha call "I'm not going to kick his ass just because of the trade" Steve walked past her getting a bottle of water out of the fridge while the players stood in the doorway "Bye Andre...yes we love you too"

The group of penguins looked at her confused before saying who they were. Letang and Malkin took the last two chairs that Beau and Tristan hadn't taken, leaving Crosby to stand "why does little Andre want you to kick his ass" Kris look interested at her as he asked, she smirked "because he missed Steve like a little brother would and because Alex is mopping around bothering him"

She looked at Crosby "You, show him to little rookies and have him protect better than Malkin and Oleksiak" the man in question blinked at her before nodding, Steve snorted taking a drink from his bottle.

"I don't know if you were told by your agent but sully wants you to come to practice tomorrow to meet the rest of the guys and pick your number"

Steve nodded "I will, what time?"


Nat tilted her head as Steve nodded "Do you think I could watch from the stands?" Malkin smiled "no I'm not think sully mind, get to watch good hockey practice" she laughed shrugging, the group chatted for a little longer before the penguins left with promise to be early to practice tomorrow.

Nat sighed soft shaking her head "I like Crosby almost as much as I like Nickie" she smiled as Steve wrapped his arms around her "I say we be responsible adults and take a nap while James is asleep" she giggled softly dragging him upstairs with her.

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