Chapter One

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"I can't believe we're in this mess. If you hadn't run out like a maniac. Saying where here. Us three could still be doing as the mission was suppose to go. Calm and witHOUT BEING DETECTED!"

The mission was easy go to this location, do a little spying, then leave with whatever information we collected. Our groups job.

That was going as planned until my best friend Sans here thought it was time to fall of a roof which he wasn't even standing on. Next he stands up and just runs out. Then bam we get seen, chased down and now where hidden in dumpsters on a street near the old haunted Train Terminal here in Buffalo.

I mean we were watching the people at the terminal so we didn't run far.

Ares was just yelling at his brother. Normal for those two. I didn't want to keep hearing so I did the next best thing to pranking Sans, calling a friend.

I didn't reach in my back pocket and pull out a phone, and dial someone on my friends list. I just closed my eyes, took a deep breath. In my worst Greek, I chanted. "Kaló ton daímona apó to skiódes vasíleio!" Soon out of thin air popped my shadow friend, fully dress in gray shorts and a white polo, Hats.

His origin name is Greek or at least that's what he told me. It was something like this Kapéla Iosafát. Don't know what it means but I just call him Hats.

"Pleasure to be at your side. What is it you need?" Now don't get me wrong with him, he respects me even when I'm having a bad day and end up turning on him. Still don't know why he nice to me. "Just to talk. For if you haven't realized we are in a trash can. And it thanks to Sans two cans away."

You're thinking right now like wait there, Bulldog if the people are still after you guy why aren't you hiding better? Well to answer your question. We jump over the railing at the edge of terminal, which is a good drop, and right on a hideout like place.

Next, jumping off that we ran straight then crossed the street turning right. Then, I happen to bump into a girl with blond short hair, knocking her to the ground. Then her boyfriend help the girl up. The kid had this bright red hair that kinda reminds me of Markiplier.

After we told our situation they said they would help. The girl said she would put a spell on the trash to help hide us and the other would distract the people we were spying on.

"Sounds like you four are having an adventure." Hats said. "Yeah. You can say that again. But Jess isn't with us." I then told Hats the story to the point of us getting basically forced in trash cans. "Aww! Looks like you three got yourself quite stuck in the mud I would say!" Hats exclaimed. Then he start to do back flips. Don't know why.

Soon someone banged on the can. Hats turned into a cat and disappeared. He has three forms as I know of a person, a cat and another form I've never seen. I opened the top and hopped out.

"Took longer than we expect but we got rid of them." The red haired kid told us. "That's good,  so now we can leave?" Sans asked still in his trash can. The blond haired girl nodded. Ares got out his can. "Cool then let's get our asses out of here. Nice meeting you and you boyfriend."

That's when I heard the loudest, weirdest laughs every, when the red haired kid put his hand on Ares' shoulder. "Hey man let me tell you something. Her and I aren't dating. She dates my brother." Then girl then butted in.

"Now if I was you three I'd better get out of here before we regret helping with you pest problem." I don't know what overtook me and Ares, but we grabbed Sans and got out of there.

After we got out of that situation, we headed towards Broadway. Through a few shortcuts and past the market. Nobody else was at the bus stop. Which was good on our part.

We were all silent. Sans sat down, while Ares and I just stood. We stayed silent until the bus came.

A few stops down and guess what, our loving friends were back. We could try to get off now. We all knew either way we were fucked. So we took the chance of staying on the bus. Bad decision.

I hate running. Defiantly when your two friends have power to turn into a weredog beast and run a lot faster.

"Shit! Bulldog just hop on!" Sans ran up beside me. I never run and jumped before. 'Here it goes!' I thought rather fast.

Next thing I jump and launched myself at Sans. My hands felt his fur, I gripped. He whimpered. My body flung over his but I keep my grip. I climb on top of Sans' back. I think I left part of my bravery back there I might need that.

"Holy fuck! Their on our tails!" Ares yelled from behind me and Sans. We speed up. I saw out the corner of my eye one of them leap at Ares'. "Ares watch it!" To late he was tackled down.

Then I felt Sans tumble to the ground. "Shit. Sans get up." The big dog was on my leg. I tried to get him to get off of me. That's when I realized he wasn't getting up anytime soon. Ares looked like he was having fun fighting off his friend.

The worst part, I'm now surrounded by three people. 'Great!'

"I can't believe it worked. This weredog ran right into it. Priceless!"

"Tank Shut It!" Tank grunted before pulling me out from under Sans. I sighed with relief. Right before getting piled in the gut.

"This one doesn't have a geno if so he would have used it by now."

"Again Tank Shut it!"

I was also wishing for this Tank dude to shut his trap. Why does he talk so much. That's when the argument kicked up. I would regret the next thing I would do. "Can you all shut your traps!"

I think I made them mad. 'Nope! Not at all you knucklehead!' I could hear Hats saying that now. The kid who just seemed to be invisible the whole time, grabbed me by my collar of my shirt, lifting me off the ground.

"Hey little shit want to repeat that." I let off a small smirk. Tank and his two buddies got more frustrated.

"Hey why are you giving that look when we're going to kick your ass." My smirk got bigger. "This is why." In a moment of very quick thinking I closed my eyes. "Kaló ton daímona apó to skiódes vasíleio."

Moments after Hats appeared doing flips once again, and still wearing the same clothes from earlier.

"Sir it is almost midnight. Shouldn't you be sleeping."

"Let's not talk about sleep right now. I'm in a dire situation that doesn't evolve sleep at the moment!"

Then he realized the scene around him.

"Oh I see. Why haven't you used that thing you humans have. Can they hear me?"

The three males looked in my direction, I didn't know why. Normal, Hats only show himself to me.

"What the hell is that thing?" That's when I knew my idea of summoning Hats would work.

"As you can see Hats they can and I want to get out of this predicament so would you be my guest."

"Pleasure would be all mine." Then the demon disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

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