Chapter Three

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Today was filled with many bad decisions. I will say that but knowing I could die from doing this. Had to be number one so far.

This is a warning to anybody who thinks jumping into black shadows hole, that magical appear is a good idea. Don't. Your not going to get an A on your next science project for it. Your just going to get the terrible pain of everything that happened in the world. Just take my word. Don't.

Now tumble down deeper into this realmic wormhole, I felt what was to come. Than it happen. My body went numb. I saw the shadows come towards me, darting, reaching. I wanted to run, but knew I couldn't move. They latched on, digging themselves into my skin. Bearing themselves into my flesh. I felt every little movement.

In a blink of an eye, light appeared in front of me. The numbness disappeared, alongside the shadows. I could still feel them. That's when I thought I was dying. I went half running, half getting pulled towards the light then, BAM! Everything was dark again.

I woke up in my house's informery with a brown haired boy with a dark purple mask sitting next to the bed.

"Great job lunatic. You find yourself on the brink of death." I hurt everywhere, the biggest pain had to be my head. The headache was pounding in part of my skull. "How the hell did I get home?" I asked pushing my words throw the headache.

"All I know is you jump in darkness, almost died, your shadow thing showed up, I picked you guys up, and now Uncle Will is getting Dawn from his friend's house to do his thing."

"Well Mask that seems to sum it up to me."

"Guess it does. What the hell happen to get you this mess."

I probably guessed nobody told Mask. Which was good, plus if I knew Uncle Will by now he wouldn't want me to say anything until tomorrow's meeting. I just gave him a glace. He understood what I meant.

Waiting for an 8-year old and ancient old dragon in a 4x4 Truck in Buffalo. You going to be waiting awhile. It mostly due to Buffalo itself plus the truck Uncle Will drives isn't the great. We always tell him to take the one of the two vehicles we have, but he's just a stubborn German-Japanese man.

Though I can't blame him for not wanting to take them. They smell of us teenagers and they natural blow up at random.

Soon a little cheerful boy with natural ice blue hair popped his head into the doorway.

"About time you got here, little iceman." Mask look happy to finally see Dawn.

"I thought I would have to say my last words to Mask very soon." I joked.

"Sorry Uncle Will had to go the back ways for some odd reason. But now I'm here. Bulls ready?" I nodded to tell him to do it. Dawn had two different powers one being able to heal people of mostly anything, well expect death of course.

Now I rarely ever let Dawn do this. Not because of him being only eight and not totally in control of his power fully yet. It was because I was as stubborn as my grandpa. I guess it just runs in my family.

Dawn closed his eyes and put both of his hands over my body. His hands started to glow a golden-white color. I soon felt the warmth run through my body. All the pain I had started to vanish.

Dawn then opened his eyes and removed his hands. Not even seconds later, the kid's eye rolled up, and passed out on the floor.

I always understand why the kid would pass out. It happened to younger childern, still does sometimes to me.

When you first get a Geno it put a lot of power on you, taking most of energy. Some can control it faster while others takes a while. If Genos run in blood you can control much faster, too.

I got out of the medical bed I was just healed in. "I'll bring him to his room."

"No that's not a good idea."

"Why is that?"

"Because Dawn just healed you. Is why."

I didn't care what Mask said. I picked up Dawn off the ground and headed out the door. I could hear Mask cursing all the way down the hall. After I put Dawn in his room, I headed towards the showers.

Since there is 12 people living in this place there at least two showering areas. One for the boy and one for the girls. Uncle had the house made with two of them so it was nice living for all of us. The showers were like the ones you found in school, nothing more than that.

I entered the shower. Putting the water to boiling hot, just the way I like it. The whole shower steamed up. I started contemplating my thoughts. I had zoned out, just letting the hot water hit my back.

Time went by. I totally freak out when I noticed one of my friends just pop themselves in the showers. They didn't use the door they just Puffed in. Frustrated I said. "What the hell couldn't you have shadow traveled somewhere else for fuck's sakes!!"

My friend emerged from the steam, wearing his normal black trench coat. His black hair was soaked and his greyish-black eyes looked tired. "I didn't mean to I just thought of the house, and you know how that goes."

"It's fine there Shadow, I'm tired too."

"I guess I'll get out of the showers then."

I nodded my head as Shadow left. Soon after I finished went to my room which I shared with the kid Shadow and other named Nerd. Nerd was already past out and Shadow was getting ready for bed.

I knew Shadow wasn't going to bed he rarely does. I just crashed down on my bed and tunneled myself under the blanket like I always do. I pasted right out in seconds

I'm sorry this chapter took a while to come out. But hope you like it.

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