!!! Set-Ups and Glossary !!!

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Shifu = "Teacher/Master" = way to address one-self's teacher

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Shifu = "Teacher/Master" = way to address one-self's teacher

Shixiong = "Senior Brother" = way to address an older or a more senior-ranked fellow disciple (male) in the same sect

DaShixiong = "Big/Eldest Senior Brother" = way to address the most senior-ranked or eldest male disciple in the same sect

Shidi = "Junior Brother" = way to address a younger or a lesser-ranked fellow disciple (male) in the same sect

Shijie = "Senior Sister" = way to address an older or a more senior-ranked disciple (female) in the same sect

DaShijie = "Big/Eldest Senior Sister" = way to address the most senior-ranked or eldest female disciple in the same sect  

Shimei = "Junior Sister" = way to address a younger or a lesser-ranked fellow disciple (female in the same sect

Shibo = "Martial Uncle" = way to address one's shifu's male sibling or the shifu's martial brothers

Shishu = "Martial Aunt" = way to address one's shifu's female sibling or the shifu's martial sisters  

Shizhi = "Martial Nephew/Niece" = the way shibo and shishu address their martial siblings' disciples

Jianghu = a short term to describe/call a pugilist/martial world

Qi = energy/ life force/ vital force of contained in every human.  

Dantian = energy center, the focal points of qi energy in a human body. Three main dantian are normally known , and hence will be used in the story:

Xia Dantian = lower dantian. Located below the navel. The most common dantian a cultivator starts to be aware of, where qi begins to be developed and regulated.

Zhong Dantian = middle dantian, at heart level. This is where qi begins to be purified and turned into spirit. Cultivators that manage to be consciously aware and can regulate their zhong dantian can be said to have reached the pinnacle of the 'Enlightened'

Shang Dantian =  upper dantian, usually refer to the third eye - located on the forehead, between the eyebrows. This is the stage where spirit can be turned into 'nothingness/emptiness', the highest level of cultivation that cultivators aim for. 

Cultivation rank in my world of words: 1 being the lowest cultivation level after normal human, and 5 the highest.

1. 'Established' - fresh/new cultivators, just a normal human with more knowledge/enlightenment of the position and regulation of their inner qi and dantian

2. 'Martial Artist' - cultivators who train in their sect's respective form of tempering to reach more enlightenment. The rank of a martial artist depends on their respective sect's teaching. This is the most common rank of most cultivators in this story's world.

3. 'Enlightened' - cultivators who manage to purify their dantians, up until their Zhong Dantian's awareness.

4.  'Sage' - cultivators that manage to find/ be aware of their Shang dantian, but unable to fully regulate/control this particular dantian. Cultivators reaching this level can still die of natural cause (i.e. old age), but it will be a very very long time.

5. 'Immortal' - cultivators that manage to be aware and fully regulate all three dantians, making them no longer considered 'mortal', and thus are considered immortals. Heavens/ the immortal world would open their gates and accept the cultivators who have reached this stage, as they are no longer considered humans. Their souls would already reach the highest form of enlightenment, and the barrier of a mortal death no longer become a possible end to their life.
No one had ever reached this stage historically, in the story's world.


So, I hope that is not too much. Although I have derived my inspiration from a number of xianxia novels/movies, I ended up with the terms above to simplify the jungle of maze that usually applies to the genre. Nevertheless, if you are an avid fan of xianxia/wuxia, I apologize in advance if the terms are not satisfactory enough, and that they deviate from the norms/cultural references. 


I will use as much english terms as possible, or put footnotes as usual, for any other chinese terms popping up throughout the story. I will also keep repeating the terms throughout the story, to minimize confusion.
My editor is @book_lover4670. She has done a very wonderful job on the last few chapters of One Lifetime is Never Enough. Thank you, my dear, if you are reading this *bows*
(if you are reading this while scratching your head wondering what the hell this crazy author is blabbering about: Please close this chapter, and consider to read OLiNE first, which should be listed on my profile. Or better yet, start with book 0 (Loving You for A Lifetime/ LYfAL). 

BUT, despite having an editor; from hereby onwards, I claim all mistakes that you may find as mine, not hers. That is because, I always give her the rough drafts for her to edit & review. Then, I always almost end up adding more words & paragraphs to connect the plots better (which I never give to her to edit anymore, as I always do the final review shortly before publishing them for you, dear readers).

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Yes, I am that shameless.  ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

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And now, let's get it on (Not like Marvin Gaye)

I am very happy to be able to share my stories with all of you.


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