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As expected Dad didn’t let me go out that night so I had no idea if Indy had actually been there, although chances were she wasn’t. I had had a full night sleep for once as I hadn’t been to see Indy and crying made my body until it ached of exhaustion.

I fell asleep quickly. I stumbled out of my bed, stood up, pulling myself together. No matter what Indy said, I was going to the shelter. Yesterday was my last day of school for the Christmas holidays and my first day was to be spent looking for Indy. I walked downstairs rubbing my eyes to wake myself up.

“Good morning.” Dad handed me a plate with toast on. I was just a little bit surprised to see him in the first place; he was meant to be at work and I was even more surprised to see that he had made breakfast.

“Morning Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked with caution.

“I am going to help you.” he stated. I was very thankful that he wanted to help, but I needed to do this on my own.

“Dad, thank you for staying here but…I really need to do this on my own. Do you understand?” I mumbled.

“I think so, but if you need anything please come to me this time. I will be at home waiting for you.” he explained giving me a hug and guiding me to sit down and eat breakfast.

I said goodbye to dad and trailed off to the shelter. My stomach felt wonky with nerves as I had no clue how this was going to go. Indy may or may not be there. A part of me wanted her to be there still but I knew she wasn’t. I just had that feeling. She would have come to see me if she was there still.

My footsteps started speeding up like I was desperate to get there to find the answer I was looking for or I just really needed to see Indy. I reached the door and gently pushed it. On the other side I was faced with a grumpy looking woman with the expression on her face which read ‘what do youwant.’ I just ignored that look and continued.

“Hello…I am looking for Indy Timmons.” I explained.

“You what?” she coughed.

“I said, I am looking for Indy Timmons.” I repeated, looking straight into her eyes with a serious gaze. She almost moved instantly searching her name on the computer.

“Well she’s not here.” She laughed. I panicked. Where was she?

“Well, where is she then?” I nervously questioned.

“I can’t tell you that, its confidential.” She snorted. I couldn’t believe she was saying that. It’s not like they kept any other information confidential.

“Okay, thank you.” I was just about to leave when I thought. How could I trust her? I didn’t even know if she had the right person. I jolted and turned around. Nobody looked at me as to say I couldn’t go in the shelter so I just carried on walking and ran up the stairs. I was trying to remember where Indy's room was when I bumped into Sam. He stared at me like I had just punched him. I think he was trying to work out where he had seen me before.

“Sam, before you say anything I just need to ask you one question.” I whined, feeling like I was going to get crushed.

“How do you know my name?” he snapped.

“I have been here before and heard you mates call you that.” I lied.

“Yeah? Is that so? Well what ya’ want? You better make it quick.” Sam moaned.

“You know Indy, right. Small, blonde hair?” I asked knowing the answer but was just pretending I didn’t.

“Yeah I know her. What’s she to you? Why do you care? What has she said?” Sam questioned. He seemed very on edge like he was hiding something but I already knew what he was up to. I chose to ignore it.

“It’s ok. I just want to know where she is, can you tell me?” I explained hoping he would know or at least know when she went.

“She ain’t here.” He simply said and turned around to walk off.

“WAIT!” I yelled. I had to know where she was. Sam was my last chance even if I got punched.

“What do you want now? I told you she ain’t here now leave me alone.” He argued.

“Where did she go? Just answer me that.” I begged, grabbing him on the shoulder.

“She went to a foster family. I can’t say they looked like the best people but it’s better than this place I can tell you.” He shoved me and walked off. I felt a sigh of relief and loss at the same time. If she was with a foster family why hasn’t she come to see me? What was stopping her? I carried on down the corridor to her room, it was empty from what I could see through the window.

When I got home dad was on the sofa waiting for me.

“So?” he asked.

“She’s not there, they said she had gone to a foster family.” I explained. Feeling my eyes start to fill up with tears.

“Well that’s good isn’t it? She has got out of the shelter.” He looked confused.

“No Dad you don’t understand. That shelter is unpredictable they would give a child to any old person that wants them, just to get rid of the child. Who knows if she has a good family?” I was just realising this myself as tears were falling down my cheek. I just stared into space thinking. I had no idea what else to do. The only thing I could do is to keep waiting for her at the jetty, what else did I have left?

“That’s against the law.” Dad finally realised.

“Dad, I know that. These people don’t care.” I cried. “You have to let me wait for her at the jetty, please Dad PLEASE.” I begged him pleading he would say yes. I was not leaving Indy on her own in this.

“You can, BUT if she stops coming for a while, I am afraid you will have to stop. It’s not good for you.” He agreed.

“It’s not good for me? Who cares about me when there was a nine year old girl that needs my help? She doesn’t even get new clothes. Why can’t you just see it from my point of view Dad?” I screamed and stormed up the stairs in disbelief. There were tears falling from my eyes and I wondered how people came to be so selfish just helping themselves instead of other people.

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