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I'm currently in the office. With the principal. "Ms. Greene." A demanding voice tells me. My eyes flick up to the secretary as I smile innocently like the little angel that I am.... not.

She looks down her pointy nose at me,"The principal would like to see you now." She says haughtily. I sigh and stand up, making my way to the office that I have memorized. I open the door to the principals office and quickly sit down, my legs are killing me. "Whatcha got for me Mr. V?" I tell him eagerly. Please, suspension. "You are suspended." He says irritated. My eyes widen. "But Mr.V, I thought we were friends." I tell him sarcastically, placing my elbows on his desk and holding my head up. I bat my eyelashes at him and pout my lower lip. He sees through my act quickly, "I've grown tired of having to deal with your behavior, your mother is on her way to collect you." He says pinching his nose. "No need." I say with a shrug of my shoulders as I saunter out of the room.

Thank god I'm suspended. I walk out of the building and pull out one of my cigarettes. I inhale deeply, and blow out rings of smoke. I watch as the rings dance together and stick my fingers through them. I walk through a park which is surprisingly empty. I make my way to the hidden passageway I cleared out years ago. The familiar scent of woody pine greets me. Too afraid to taint the purity of my small area of peace, I take a last deep inhale and exhale through my nose. I pinch the tip of my cigarette with two fingers to turn it off and place it in my pocket to throw away later. I have to remember to put a small bag for my trash. I pass through some trees, and push through a fake bush that I placed between two trees to cover the entrance. I duck my head under the large oak tree, and pass the tall tree which I can never touch no matter how high I jump. I hear a loud giggle. I freeze, wait what? A giggle. In my sanctuary. The one place where I can be normal. I pass through the last bush and when I come out to my clearing, I see who is here. A blonde bimbo, topless, passionately making out with Justin. Not just any Justin, Justin Lockhart. Maybe it was ironic that his parents have the last name Lockhart, I know how many hearts he's broken. The hottest guy at my stupid school. "Get out!" I scream. She jumps up and looks at me with her smeared makeup.

Her eyes are narrowed at me, and I'm slightly annoyed at her indecency. Justin looks at me with his light brown eyes and smirks. "Wanna join?" He says huskily, eyeing me like I'm packaged meat. Wait, I am meat, I'm just not for distribution and sale. I scoff,"Hell no." I glare at them, "Who is this bitch baby?" She whines, running her claws up his chest. "B-B? WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU CALLIN-" I cut myself off and charge at her like an avenging warrior set on claiming her land. I quickly throw a swing at her face, enjoying how she lands awkwardly because her legs are wrapped around his waist like vines.

"Leave." I say coldly, towering over her whimpering form. She darts to leave, but before she does, I grab the back of her head and take off a piece of her hair. "Ow!!"she shrieks gripping her head,"Why did you do that?!" She says, her high pitched voice grating on my head,"It's for my voodoo doll." I tell her grinning wickedly as I cackle.I hear her bare feet making contact to the ground as she runs with my witch senses. Just kidding, her footsteps are just annoyingly loud. She escapes my wrath.....for now.My eyes flick over to Justin. "You. Out. No dogs allowed." I tell him throwing her nasty hair on his bare chest distastefully.

"Then why are you allowed here?" He retorts, with an award winning smile on his face. Award for biggest cocky idiot alive. I notice his white shirt slung carelessly over some peonies that I planted. I internally growl, as I send out waves of annoyance towards him. I stomp towards his shirt and grab it, balling it in my fist. I throw it at him then kick his shin with my leg. He winces and grabs at it, "What the hell was that for?" He groans. "You annoy me. Now leave." I tell him, kicking his leg again. "What was that for?!" He says through gritted teeth."For breathing. Now leave!" I command evilly. "Hmmm, nope." He tells me nonchalantly, leaning back on his elbows. I blink quickly. Say what? I glare at his relaxed form on my sanctified ground as I seethe silently. Without much thought, I grab my backpack and bring out my Monster drink. I set my backpack swiftly on the floor, and I open my monster. I narrow my eyes at him as I take a gulp of my precious life source. "You wouldn't dare." He says reproachfully, connecting two and two together.Ha. "Watch me." I smirk before spilling all of my monster on his face. His stunned face makes me not regret the waste as I laugh loudly. While he stays stunned, I squeeze the can and toss it at his chest, with my amazing luck, it hits his face. I wasn't even trying to be mean, gravity just hates him. I cackle like a villain and trot away like a deer just as the big bad wolf roars and jumps after me.

(For some people that might not know, Monster is an energy drink and it's super awesome!!)

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