Chapter 2

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Shit. Shit. Shiiiiiiit. I run feeling like a snail compared to this giant crashing down in my baby forest. Wait, back up. This be my forest. Ugh I'm so out of shape I should probably start working out- wait is he still chasing me? "Rawwwwrrrr." I hear bellowed closely behind me. Well it might have been something like "You bitch, I'll make you pay for that!" But you get the idea. My legs flop under me and my nose burns from breathing so erratically. I let out a shrill girly screech as I hop over a log like a ninja. Except my ninja-like skills aren't refined like my dear friend Jackie Chan (he doesn't know it yet but we're best friends). Aaanndd as luck would have it, which I don't have very good luck, one of my legs smoothly lands the jump while my other leg stays caught on the other side of the log. So my children, guess what happens next? I fall to my untimely death and meet satan, then we fall in love and have small fire breathing babies. Just kidding. No what happened was much worse, and even more painful.

My face said hello to the beautiful underbrush of my sanctuary. Oh, and also Giant, following in my footsteps, crashed into me. And no, this wasn't those adorable moments in which his breathing mixes with mine and I realize I'm falling hard for him. Yeaaahhh, no. In an effort to land gracefully unlike moi, he twisted and landed awkwardly with his back to me and his leg twisted. And landed on me. Like,he didnt even try
Not to land on me. I got a mouth full of damp hair that I was displeased to say smelled like a combination of sweat, shampoo and happy to say Monster. Oh, and a bloody nose. Which hurt. A lot.

I groan shoving Senor Fatass off of me and clutch my nose irritated that he isn't moving fast enough. He moves away and sits up wincing at a small cut on his elbow. Since he is shirtless, I get a really really pleasant view of his back. Ewwwww, its so hairy. Why do guys have more hair than girls? Hormones. Owww fuckkk my face hurts. Blood trickles down my chin and I stand up. "This could've been avoided if you wouldnt have spilled monster on me. " he says with a whiney voice. He is leaning on one hand inspecting his elbow with a baby scratch. and just because I see the opportunity, I kick his elbow like the villain, I am unashamed to be and watch it give way and him hit the ground roughly.

My evil trademark laugh is cut short by an unintentional wince. My face feels like its throbbing and I switch hands only to feel my blood sticky. Then I make my way to the exit of my shrine to try to sneak into the girls bathroom and wash my face. Also to assess the damage to my shrexy Megan Fox face. Just kidding. Honestly, I would win a shrex look-a-like contest hence the shrexy comment. Get it? Shrex? Sexy? Blah never mind. Feeling somewhat satisfied with my victorious self, I grab my discarded Monster can to recycle later.

I hobble through the school parkway and head to the bathrooms. I rush to open the door with my foot and head to the sink. Oh my fawwk. I look like am extra for The Walking Dead. Ewww my blood is so dry and sticky and ewwwww. I grab paper towels with one hand and dampen it with some warm water. I hesitantly lift my hand from my nose relieved to see I stopped bleeding. I quickly dab at my nose to clean it.

This is going to hurt so much later on. Ugh I can't wait to get home and take some coffee. Coffee is my medicine. It cures every single thing including heart ache sadness, depression, anger, when (God forbid) I catch "feelings". I chuckle to myself feeling better about my current situation. As I throw away my dirty face wipey thing A.K.A bathroom paper towels I check myself out in the mirror to see if I left anything.

My eyes dart to my outfit and I adjust my shirt. Hmm I look kinda cute today. I'll wear this outfit next week, people won't notice will they? Naaaahhh. I pull up my pants and with my hawk vision, I notice tears in my spongebob leggings. There are three gashes by my thigh. I bend over to inspect closer anger settling deeply into my veins. Oh. Fuck. No.

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