Sparks Fly

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I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us

How we met and the sparks flew instantly

And people would say ''they're the lucky ones......"


I just couldn't keep the smile of my face. I can't believe that in a month it would be Alex and I's 1 year anniversary.

This has been my first and longest relationship, and I'm already in love. I mean it doesn't happen this fast for a 16 year old to fall in love. Well not for me. I always loved to think that one day, we'd get married and tell our story to our kids.

Woahhh!!!! Slow Down Woman

I was on my way to school with my best friend Tammy. I don't know what I would happen to me without this girl by my side. It would be like suicide. Tammy and I were best friends since birth, literally we have the same birthday. I mean how cool is that.

"Hey Zoe" Tammy said in a creepy sing song voice as we entered school grounds.


"Oh nothing" a creepy smile grew across her face. Okay, everytime she does that creepy smile it always creeps me out because I hate creepy things, especially that creepy smile of hers that always seem to creep me out. Because it's just creepy okay!!

Then suddenly the world became dark.

Oh my God. Am I gonna die? I don't wanna die! I'm too young to die. Wait why can't feel any pain,or blood? Oh My God , am I already died? I can't already dead.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed for my life, literally for my life.

Then Tammy laughed. "Oh God, Zoey" laughter that's all I hear.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!!!" and that ladies and gentleman is my bestfriend failing horribly in imitating me...

"HA, FAIL!!! Wait i said that in my head how did u kno- Ohhhh.....I said that out loud, didn't I?" my eyes were still covered but I could still feel Tammy's 'duhh' face.

"Can you get your hands off of me now?!" I aske- more like commanded her.

She answered with a, " Those aren't mine"

"What are you talking about? Then whose hands are thes-" my words were cut short when i felt warm lips touch mine.

"God Zoe you get more action than me, lucky bitch." I heard Tammy say as her voice got lower. Guess she left.

Slowly the hands hand been covering my eyes were off and were now at my back. When we parted, I looked straight into his blue/green eyes. The exact ones I fell in love with.

There's only one person who can ignite the sparks flying around in my body, and that's non other than...

"Alex Hunter"



How was it?

Ohh and just to let you know Tammy is a total badass but never to Zoey.





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