The sun had risen and set again. Another twenty-four hours had passed; nineteen days before Samael expected Shai.
Aliah limped through the opening in the fence. The row of hedges surrounding the Manor were a welcome sight. His wound had clotted, but every step sent a tremor of pain through his body, making his last few steps seem like miles.
A sickening feeling settled over him. Shai still wasn't safe. He knew better than to trust Akan to keep the deal they'd made. Akan was as trustworthy as Samael.
He had to make a decision. His mother and Ellersly were taking the children to another cave in the rocky northern region of the Borderless tomorrow night. Would Shai be safer in Thunder Manor or with his mother, Ellersly, and the children? Would Samael think to look in the Manor when he discovered her missing, or was it better to risk surviving the wild Borderless and running into Elchai? In spite of Aliah's hatred for Elchai, it was foolish to think that a face-off with Samael would be better than seeing Elchai.
Aliah's fingers slipped on the doorknob as he tried to turn it. Even though he felt chilled, sweat covered his body. He stumbled into the entrance clutching his side. The fire in the Great Room was struggling to stay lit, but he collapsed on the floor in front of the fireplace anyway. His eyelids weighed a ton, his chest too heavy to breathe, like it had been packed with wet sand. Each breath hurt.
An arc of light pierced the darkness and he opened his eyes. Zev stood over him holding a lantern, his eyes dark, his face cast in shadows. His left arm dangled at his side, a dark stain on his white tunic expanding from shoulder to wrist.
Aliah pushed himself up with his elbow, grimacing with pain. Fear rushed over him hot and cold. "Zev. What... happened?"
Zev set the lantern down and knelt in front of Aliah. He pushed a finger into Aliah's chest.
"Her. She's what happened. Stabbed me and took off when I tried to take her some food." He stood up.
Aliah rubbed the spot where Zev's finger had poked him. He shook his head slowly then looked up at the younger boy whose face looked stony.
"Took off... where? She doesn't know these parts. Why..." He knew why. She didn't trust him. Didn't believe he kept her there for her own protection. Now she was in the Borderless, alone.
Fear for Shai numbed the pain in his body. He stood and faced Zev.
"Let me look at your arm." He ripped the boy's sleeve off and probed the wound. "It's a puncture wound. You'll be fine. It stopped bleeding." He gave Zev a slight push. "Go clean it up then grab a cloak. We're going out there."
"Aliah, it's nearly morning. She left hours ago. Could be anywhere."
Aliah began to remove his cloak and bloody tunic. "That's exactly why we are going to find her." He waited until Zev left the room then examined his own wound. Dried blood crusted around the incision, but the edges still gaped open. Blood oozed from a one inch gash. He took the knife from his waistband and cut the cleaner part of his tunic into a long strip, wrapped the fabric tightly around his waist and tied it. He tossed the knife on the table and grabbed a small lantern.
By the time he staggered up the stairs to his room he was exhausted. Zev brushed past him in the narrow hall, his arm hanging limply. He wore a clean brown tunic and carried a blanket.
"I'll pack some food and a canteen of water."
Aliah caught the edge in Zev's voice and it turned his blood to ice. What's going on with him?As he entered his own room he wondered why Zev didn't go after Shai when she ran, but secretly he was glad Zev didn't. Something he saw in the boy's eyes concerned him.
Aliah pulled on a thick, brown sweater and grabbed a grey blanket from his bed. His stomach rose in his throat.
He'd left the knife downstairs.
The Coalition (Book 1)
ParanormalWhat you don't know can kill you... It's just a pretty pendant. A harmless necklace. Everyone wears them, like a talisman. At least that's what sixteen year old Shai Eli has always believed. But why does her community enforce a law that keeps people...