The Task Ahead

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"Hey Andrew any clue why you're dad wants us" says Frank puzzled "and this early in the morning ugh" As he let's out a yawn. "yes Frank I agree with you this kind of odd of my father to need to talk to us this early in the morning" he states "anyways it doesn't really matter we're here now." As they walk up to Mr. Hanbridge's office door (by the way it's around 5:00am at this point.) Andrew hesitates before knocking on the door. A faint voice from inside answers "come in" Andrew opens the door, Frank and him walk in. "We're here as you requested father.

"Thank you boys for coming so early and arriving on time, as you both know a thew months ago a couple of witches stopped a rocket hitting one of our neighboring countries, and anderw I took in to account what you said that we should give magic a chance so I got talking to the head mistress at Luna Nova Academy and we arenged it so that you two gentlemen will be attending luna nova for 3 weeks starting today, so I suggest that you start packing your things a car will be taking you to the academy at 7am on the dot. "
" yes sir thank you for this apportnity" they both said. "Andrew can I talk to you alone please"
"of course father, what is the problem"
"Andrew your are turning 18 in a thew months and you will become the man of the house and take over form me understand this now because I will not repeat myself again' by the time your 18 you need a steady relationship someone you know you will marry so you can focus on your job and not a girl understand andrew"
"y-yes father" he said with slight hesitation.

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