At Luna Nova

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"come on akko wake up we're going to be late!" lotte shouts in akko's ear
"okay I'm getting up and late for what it's 6 school doesn't start till 8 I'm going back to sleep"
"NO AKKO GET UP" lotte screaming
"Lotte stop yelling your going to wake everyone" sucy explains.
"and by the way we need to be in the head misstress' office in 10 mind so akko you need to get dressed" sucy said as she sat down on her bed dressed and ready to go.
  Around 10 minutes later the three of them arrived at the heads office out of breath form running. They slowly a
Opened the door and walked in to see Diana and chariot waiting for the three of them to arrive.
"Finnally, now that all of you are here I can tell you girls the good news. Dew to the events of professor crax and the rocket that you girls managed to stop this interested me. Hanbriged and his son Andrew in the world of magic and so much so that Andrew himself and one of the other students from appleton frank I believe his name is" suddenly lotte let an excited gasp and whispers under her breath "yes"
"anyways" the head misstress continued "the boys will be staying here to train as knight's under proffeser chariot and you girls will help them become knight's."
"umm sorry hard misstress but what do you mean by knight's?" akko said perplexed. Chariot explained saying "when magic was the primal source of almost everything witches would have knight's who knew a bit of magic in order to protect witches from people who disagreed with magic."
"yes chariot is correct and we're hoping to bringore knight's into the modern world in a more modern way and the next 3 weeks will be a trial run to see if its possible, also the boys will be arriving around 7:30. Also girls at the end the 3 weeks the boys will choose two of you to be there witches but just warning you this classes as another marriage so if you have a secret boyfriend who you can't part please speak now so will can get a different girl who is up to the task..." there was a long pause." well OK then you're dismissed girls."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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