The First Day In School.

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I woke up in an instant and looked around my room finding my alarm which had been smashed against the wall. I heard my door bolt open and Ryker run into my room with his eyes wide with concern, but when he saw me, he calmed down and said "What was that noise?" i just looked at him and laughed sheepishly and said "My alarm clock." he looked down and laughed saying "This is why you can't have nice things." then he walked out knowing i was alright. 

After getting out of the shower i dried myself and then got dressed (OUTFIT BELOW)

After i got dressed i walked down stairs to find my mum and Ryker cooking breakfast

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After i got dressed i walked down stairs to find my mum and Ryker cooking breakfast. 

"Hey sweetheart are you ready for your first day ?!" she said all giddy. I looked at her and giggled saying " As ready as i'll ever be" and sighed. To be honest i was quite worried about what people would say about me, i've been told to be strong, but can never do it, because when i get bullied it hurts too much. 

I ate my breakfast which consisted of pancakes with blueberry's (I know healthy right?). I got my bag and headed to my brother's car because he was driving me today. I all of a sudden got really nervous and when Ryker looked at me his smile turned into a frown he said "Hey you have nothing to worry about only the people who decide to bully you have something to worry about and that's, me okay? like we've established you will tell me when someone bullies you and i'll take care of it okay?" 

"But that's the thing i don't want you in trouble i don't care about what they say." i said lying through my teeth. He looked at me and scoffed "Yer okay we have to go your going to be late" he knew i was lying but i shouldn't need help with bullies i should be able to take care of it on my own.

After a somewhat long drive

Ryker stopped the car and turned to me and said "Remember what i told you, you always have me to help" i nodded and got out of the car and waved to him then he drove back home.

 I was dreading going inside but i can't stay out here all day so i walked with my head high (until i walked through the front door that is). Everyone just freezed and turned to me like i'm some known serial killer and just stared. This girl came out of nowhere with a smile on her face and said "Hi i'm Effie Jenkins  but my friends call me Ef" i just stared at her trying to see if she was seriously trying to introduce herself to me, and she was. "Hi i'm Aradelle Summer's but you can call me Delle. It's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too. You seem to have a bit of an accent where are you from?" she asked with genuine curiosity "I'm from Sydney, Australia" she looked surprised and said "Oh i thought you were from America." she laughed. I laughed and said "I get that a lot it's because my parents are Australian and American." "Oh yer i see that. Would you like me to show you to the office to get your timetable ?" "Yer i would thank you." "No problem". She started walking in the direction towards the office. Once we got to the office Effie smiled and walked to her friends. I turned around and said to the secretary "Hi my name is Aradelle Summer's i need my timetable, i'm new here." she looked up and smiled "Hi and Welcome here's your timetable i hope you like this school and have a good day" i smiled. She said that like it was an automated response to any new person.

After looking through my timetable, the first bell went and i walked to my first lessons which were Double French. The worst thing about being new is that you have to introduce yourself to the rest of the class and stand up to do it. As soon as i walked into the class the teacher immediately recognised that i was new and wanted me to introduce myself so i had to. 

I looked around the class and saw some girls laugh and whisper with their friends, i immediately knew they were laughing about my weight and what i looked like but i started my introduction anyway. "Hi my name is Aradelle Sum-" "More like Who Ate The Pies" one of the girls said and started laughing. The teacher shouted "Ashley there is no need for that. Now go on Aradelle.". 

"Like i was saying my name is Aradelle Summer's and i'm 18 that's all you need to know." and sat down in a seat in the back. Halfway through the lesson the door opened and in came a lad that was obviously my age maybe older, and walked over to the teacher and had a private talk with her. After his talk he stood straight and looked around the room until he looked at me with anger in his eyes. I was too busy thinking about why he would be angry that i didn't realise that he was talking to me. "Hey are you deaf and blind ?" he said with a rather annoyed expression on his face, i looked at him and said "Neither." he looked at me and rolled his eyes "Your sitting in my seat.". I looked down to the seat and said "I'm sorry but i can't move anywhere else there all taken but i can move to the chair next to this one if that makes you happy?" "Alright then.".

What can i say i'm a push-over.

The day went on fine, but i got a load of dirty looks all the way through both french lessons and i didn't understand why. 

After school.

I was waiting for Ryker to pick me up he said he was going to be late but that doesn't matter.

"You waiting for someone?" a familiar husky voice said behind me. I jumped and said "Yer.". He just sighed and stood next to me. I felt really awkward and i think he did too because he said "Who's picking you up?" "Ryker" he looked at me and said "Boyfriend?" "No, brother" as i say that he pulls up in his car and gets out, he looks at the person ,who i don't know the name of, and had a curious look in his eyes. Ryker walked over and asked "Who's this ?" before i got a chance to answer the unknown person cut in and said "The names Abel Reeds nice to meet ya." and shook Ryker's hand. "You too the names Ryker Summer's, Delle's brother.". Abel smiled at him and then looked at me and smirked. "Right well i better be going lets go Ry." i grabbed his hand and made my way to his car, but before i could get in i heard Abel say "Wait i would like to say that i'm sorry for the way that i treated you and i would like to make it up to you by being your first real friend here." i looked at Ryker who had a shit-eating grin on his face and looked back at Abel and "It's okay, and yer sure i would love to be your friend." he smiled and said "Well i will meet you at that wall over there tomorrow morning." i smiled "I'll see you then." then i got into the car and we drove off. 

When we got home.

I slid out of the car and walked to the front door but before i could open the door Ryker grabbed my forearm and smirked at me. "So Abel Reeds huh?, who is he too you?" "Nothing we just sit together in Double French that's it." he gave me a knowing look and said "yer of course" then he walked into the house. 

He knows i would never go for anyone like him (Player, prick, egotistic, womanizer and a bad boy). 

At least that's what i think i used to dislike in a boy.

So Abel and Ryker were getting along maybe they could be friends you should tell me what you think because i don't have any idea what i should do i need your help. 

And wait till Abel's brother comes in then i will ask whether Aradelle should be with him or Abel's brother.

1521 word's.

Also, maybe some people could try to make me a better cover picture than the one that i have and send them to me and if i like them ( which i'm sure i will ) i will use them and if there is a lot of send ins i will have a different one each week.

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