A New Beginning.

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"Oh look its the fatty"

"Does anyone hear an earthquake when she walks?"

"I bet all her clothes are from the charity shop. look at them."

HA ha HA ha Ha

Hi my name is Aradelle Summer's and this is what i have to go through every day of my life. To be honest it hurts no matter what they say. At school it was worse than just a little bit offensive they would spread rumors like 'she's secretly pregnant' and stuff like that. I wouldn't tell anyone because at first it never bothered me but when it started to escalate i got really upset and told my mum she told the school but the thing that mostly pissed me off was when they didn't do anything about it. When my mum found out they weren't doing anything she decided to move, not just schools, but country's so we moved to England from Australia. I am happy to start 'A New Beginning'.

But would the bullying really stop when Aradelle moved to England because really there are bully's in every school everywhere so what do you think?

Read on to find out!!!!!

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