someones out the bag

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Whats more dangerous then a gun?
A machine gun?
A knife?
A bomb?
An experiment?
Well i don't know? Shouldn't we find out?
No we don't need to right now hunny
Its all going to be fine anyways

I wonder how the guys are doing you know?
I mean i am not doing so great right now, i mean i get needles injected into me everyday without painkillers
I have to bleed without getting treated with medicine or anything
It would be a risk for me because i might bleed to death but yet i am still here

All they just stab certain places
And then leave me to die?


Lets go see edds pov

H-he shot him- then he burned our house for no reason?
Did he take y/n too?
whats gonna happen to us?
Where are we going- why are they taking tom to a separate room?
Whats gonna happen to him?
Whats going to happen to me?

I am actually scared well fuck

"Hello old friend, how was the trip-"

"Fuck you tord just fuck you"

I really didn't want to see him
Can i just dIe nOw

"Oh well that isnt very nice edd,any you know that"

Wait what are you-

Tord quickly and without hesitation punched edd in his gut
The pain was unbearable something wasnt right.

It was a sharp but quick pain

A needle?

What's gonna happen with tom?y/n?and me?

Why is everything turning black?

End of edds pov

Back to y/n

The cage rattled with every movement i did

It felt like i was outside but i wasn't
That's what it was supposed to look like, all nature and freedom, all-

But it wasn't,it was just a big cage that was actually outside but it wasn't good it just wasn't... Big enough since every 50 seconds i would walk right into a steel bar

Stop teasing me with the steel bars that i wish i could slip pass to freedom


I want to get out badly
But everytime i would try to escape things-the needles the experiments would get worse.
I would feel more pain,
When will it stop?
I am already isolated
I am already angry and sad
I just want to go see matt,tom and edd
Please just let me go home again,

The door clicked and who the hell was that? Oh wait no

Its tord?

Leave me the fuck alone i dont want to go there anymore

But too bad, i have this- collar that would increase pain on me- its almost like a shock collar but more


It would stab your neck with.more force then the last time it did it

Last i heard in between the walls i was in

Alot of people died in this same collar i have right now, 50 people

Well isnt that good luck

No wonder why.i would.almost act like the 'owners' that had this on

That's what the people and monsters told me when i would talk to them about something that the previous guy talked about-

Isnt that iRoNiC?

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