Fuck you! It's NOT A DIARY!

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((This IS rated R (Restricted) people. That should be a hint, idiots. (JK) But thanks so much for all the wonderful reviews! I'm so fuckin' happy! Which is kinda rare for me, so you should be happy 'cause I'm happy! Oh, and, BTW, this is KINDA a Crack fic... Not really, it's just the way it sounds, huh...? It sounds like crack... Like I was on crack while writing this... (JK) Once again, all misspelling and mis-punctuation is ON PURPOSE! I'm not an idiot that can't write. Enjoy!))

March 12th

Who the hell uses singing as a cure for a hangover? Especially horrible, off-key, and extremely loud singing.

Apparantely the same type of people who have NO DECENCY AT ALL and roam around the house in only his boxers.

I don't care if this is his house dammit! the bastard should be more considerate towards guests! I don't want to see his toned a


speaking of being considerate towards guests, you know what he did?

he gave me the usual annoying as hell morning hug, and THEN WHAT?

he gave me a good morning kiss on the cheek

what the HELL? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

After I decked him in the stomach, he went off about how i used to let him do that all the time. yeah, when I was little, dumbass! when I didn't know he was such a pedophile!

I'm going back to my house now because it should be completely rid of any traces of the potato bastard now, and I'm currently in the backseat of Spain's car and soooo bored. Why? Because he insisted on driving me back, even though I'm fully capable of doing it for myself (bastard). He also insisted on keeping a crate full of tomatoes in the front instead of me. So that he could "keep an eye" on them and he's talking to them...lovingly. puke.

why do people think my anger's always misdirected?


home sweet home sweet home

no potato bastards

no annoying brother (but he's with that potato-eating douche)

no tomato bastards

I am in heaaaaven and with that crate of tomatoes, because no way I was going to let that dumbass take them home after kicking me out of the front seat for them

i'm also watching TV

It's some wedding program, but I'm only watching it for Feli's sake (and it's a totally manly thing to do so shut the fuck up) Even though him and the macho potato tend to forget they're engaged, someone has to be ready with something when they decide that they want to get married. Which, by the way, should be fucking never.

i'm not having a potato-in-law

If Spain was serious and I accepted (for convinience, dammit) then we'd do none of this fluffy shit on the television.

Because fluffy shit like that is for women, and I'm not going to squeal over the colour of my roses because everyone knows white roses are cliche and that red roses are much better and more passionate for a day like the wedding day and you should not place the in-laws beside each other because theyre already pissed at each other because their kids are totally banging.

And what the hell is with walking down the aisle? It's so much wasted effort and like half the guests are asleep by the time the person gets to the altar.

I think Antonio would walk down the aisle, because there's no way I'm doing something so damn stupid.


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