Society. Everyone thinks it's great but it's not. We live in a society where you can't be yourself without being judged. We live in a society where you can't dress how you would like for the fear that someone will say something. We live in a society where some people care more about drugs and stuff than they do other things. We live in a society where we're judged looked at for not being the way someone else is. We live in a society where you are looked down upon if you don't like the religion someone else does or you just ain't got one.we live in a. Society where everything we do someone thinks it's a sin. We live in a society where people can't date who they want same gender or not because people we are close to try to ruin or go behind your back and ruin it. We live in a society where some people think the only way to get rid of the nudging and pain is to kill themselves and sometimes those that actually do it have Friens and family who still text their phones hoping they will answer back but they never do and they face that its society and society is reality. There is no hope, no good, no love, just negative energy everywhere no matter where you go or what you do. Society good? You're mistaken. Society is not good it's just a burden that's out on everyone else.