The Elementals: Beginning

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"You have most likely heard the story of creation before. There are many different variations of the tale. Every religion has their own take on it. It doesn't matter if one or more Gods, or even no Gods, created the Earth the way it happens, is more or less the same. The most widely accepted version of the events is the story of creation in the Book of Genesis found in The Bible. This story depicts God creating the Earth of seven days. On the first day, God created the light and separated the light from the dark, creating day and night. On the second day, He created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky." On the third day, God created the lands, seas and vegetation. On the fourth day, He created the sun, moon and stars. On the fifth day, He created the birds and the creatures of the seas. On the sixth day, God created the animals and humanity. Finally, on the seventh day, He had finished his work, so he rested.

"It is also told in the Old Testament, of God's angel Lucifer, rebelling against Him. Lucifer was once a highly honoured angel. When God announced His plans for His Son, Jesus Christ, Lucifer became jealous, as He was not God's favourite anymore. Lucifer rebelled against the Government of God and demanded he be allowed to be an equal to God, like Jesus. God and the good angels fought Lucifer and his rebellion. The good angels finally defeated the rebellion and the rebellion were then banished from Heaven. Lucifer became the ruler of Hell. From that day on, Lucifer had become Satan.

"Lucifer, felt betrayed by God, His father, so he used his powers to craft being showcasing the worst aspects of his father's creations. These beings were named, Wrath, Sloth, Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust and Gluttony. The so-called 'Seven Deadly Sins', raged war upon Earth. Unable to interfere or stop these sins, God searched the Earth to find the noblest of His creations. The creatures he chose became the Earths guardians, they represented and had control over the elements assigned to them. God chose a Shark to represent Water, an Elephant to represent Earth, a Lion to represent Fire, an Eagle to represent Air and a Panther to represent Life. These guardians fought the sins for many years. After a hundred years, the guardians, now old, defeated the sins and sent them back to Hell. The guardians, nearing the end of their lives hand their powers and responsibilities, to a new group of five, to protect the Earth. The sins always came back stronger then the time before. The guardians, no matter how difficult and how many losses they suffered, always prevailed on top, sending the sins back to Hell each time, but never powerful enough to defeat them once and before."

"It has been 4.6 billion years since the first attack. Lucifer, you have never won," a woman explained, as she closed a book and turned to face her male consort.

"I know what the book says, I wrote it to remind me of my failures," Lucifer replies, "I need to find a way around the guardians, Lilith."

"I can help you, if you let me Lucifer."

"What can you possibly do to help me, I am the most powerful being in Hell and I can't even stop a group of five animals. I created the worst things on the planet, they basically represent myself and if the worst parts of me can't destroy my father's creation, what hope is there," Lucifer said angrily, he got up from his giant throne chair.

"We send them one by one, we have always sent them together, but they don't work together, that is where the guardians always beat us. The guardians work together we do not. If we send them one by one, they will not be held back by one another and they can do more damage. The next part of my plan will need some time, each one we send must retrieve an item, if we put the items together they will create a device, that can free Gaia, from her cell. We then use the device as a weapon and extract the power from your mother into the sins, making them more powerful than ever before. This power will be too much for the new guardians to fight and we shall finally prevail!" Lilith excitedly announced. She went up to Lucifer and got on her knees in front of him.

"I never thought, you were this interested in my mission. I will think about it. Your plan is risky, but if we fail we can always start a new, as we have done since the first defeat," Lucifer pondered about the words, his wife had said, "Get them ready, for this time we will defeat the guardians, and my father will be cast down here and I will become the new ruler of His creation."

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