I Don't Know What to Name This Chapter Sooooo

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You felt your hair whip past your head, sometimes slapping your face. Ow. Then, you remembered that you were falling. Oh yeah, you got shot by some stupid burglars and is now bleeding and falling to your death. Weird how you could forgot so easily sometimes.

You closed your eyes and opens them again. You looked behind you to see the ground get closer and closer. You looked back up and heard webs shooting towards you. Your breathing got labored as you felt your bullet wounds bleed more. Then, your eyes slowly closed.

Peter panicked as he saw you fall, the rope trailing behind you. No no no, he needs to catch you. He can't afford to lose you. Somehow, over the past couple of times you ran into him or him running into you, you had somehow had a small place in his heart. He doesn't know what it is yet and he plans on finding out.

Peter jumped off from the side of the building and flew down to catch up with you. His body became vertical to make him fall down faster.

His arms wrapped around you, careful not to touch the bullet wounds, and shot his webs with his other hand. You groaned from the pressure of the swing but none the less, said nothing else.

Peter went up back towards the roof of the tower. He laid you down on one of the chairs and looked around. Peter hid his backpacks around the city so he could get his clothes and first aid kits better.

Peter finally found the first aid kit webbed to the side of a large nearby building and grabbed it. He rushed back to you and was about to bandage you up (again) when the elevator doors opened up. A ding sounded through the air.

Peter stilled and stopped what he was doing. Who..?

"Let me help."

Peters head snapped to the female voice and there stood Wanda.

Peter stayed quiet but moved to the side, knowing that he can trust the scarlet witch.

Wanda gently took the first aid kit and started to patch you up.

Peter stood nervously on the side. He was playing with his fingers, fidgeting nervously. Was this his fault? Could he have prevented this? How long were you gonna sleep? Oh god, it was his fault. If he seen the burglar and stopped them, he could have saved you from bullet wounds.

"It's not your fault." Wanda spoke up, her accent thick in her sentence.

"Did you..?"

"Read your mind? Yes. Don't overthink, you couldn't have seen that coming." Wanda assured Peter.

"Why do you trust me? Why are you helping?"

Wanda stayed quiet, thinking on what to say next. "She trust you. So I trust you too."

"You know her?"

"More or less."

The two of them stayed quiet on top of the tower rooftop.


You groaned and you covered your eyes with your arm from the bright light. You slowly open your eyes, adjusting to the bright sun. You were sitting on a chair under an umbrella, still on the rooftop. You looked down at yourself and noticed you were still wearing your suit.

"Oh you're awake."

You jumped and looked at the source of the voice.

"Hey Spidey."

"Hey (H/n), how was your sleep?"

"Hurts more or less." You grunted as you sat up from your slouched position.

"Well you got shot two times so it would probably hurt like hell."

"Yeah," You rolled your eyes sarcastically and looked down at the bandages. Your voice got softer. "Did you do this?"

"No actually."


"Uh," Peter scratched his neck, not knowing what to say. "I guess Wanda did it."

"Wanda Maximoff?"



"Well she just sorta came up onto the rooftop and helped bandage you up."

You cursed under your breath. Damnit Wanda.

You looked back at Spidey. "Well, thank you for....well, everything, I guess. I wouldn't be alive because of you."

"And Wanda?"

"And Wanda."


You laughed as Spidey showed you a video from his phone. It was a chicken getting a crust of a bread stuck around it's neck.

"So, how are you holding up?" Spidey asked, playing with some of his webs he created.

"Fine, though it will be hard to move." You sighed and relaxed into the chair. You both have been talking and hanging out for the whole day. You could care less if anyone caught you two.

"Hey, if you don't mind, can I...have your number?" Spidey asked nonchalantly.


"Just so I could talk with you." Peter shrugged, not looking you in the eye and slouching into his seat a little more.

"Aaaaww," You teased. "You wanna talk with little ole' me?"

Peter laughed. "You seem really cool, plus I want to get to know you better."

You hummed but stayed quiet. Peter looked down at his lap. Why did he suddenly say that? And why didn't you answer? Peter sat in his chair in thought, fidgeting his hands. He likes you. You're a good friend. Are you considered a friend yet? Yeah, probably by now you two were a little bit over being acquaintances, though not like bff friends. That's why he probably wanted to hang out with you more.

"Hey ______?" Peter asked.


"I'm sorry." You were about to ask why when Peter suddenly explained. "I could've stopped the burglars from hurting you or should have seen it coming. I was stupid for distracting you." Guilt twisted inside his gut. "If I would've stopped them-"

"Spidey, come on, stop." You said. Peter immediately shut his mouth. You sighed. "Don't blame yourself okay? It was my fault and my fault entirely for getting hurt."

Peter was snapped (hah) out of his thoughts when you suddenly stood up and stretched, checking the time.

Then, you held your hand out and asked for his phone. Peter immediately did what you asked, going through his pockets nervously, not wanting to take too long in case it gets awkward. He shifted a bit, mumbling, then unblocked his phone and gave it to you.

You stood there as you typed in your number and gave it back to him.

Peter looked down at the contact number and let out a small laugh.

"Cute barista?" Peter laughed.

You shrugged and smiled. "Can't let your friends get suspicious."

Peter laughed. "You couldn't have picked a better name?"

You shrugged again. "Well," You started. "I gotta go," You looked back at Peter. "I'll see you later Spidey."

You waved at him and went to the door to take the stairs. No one uses the stairs right? So you wouldn't run into anyone if you took the stairs instead of the elevator. You let out a relieved sigh.

Giving Spiderman your number?



(Spell checked)

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