⚣ 07

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angry mafia boss'

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at the news, dramatically sighing he stands from his chair in the kitchen. Hearing the news that Kai is horribly injured is nothing new, Kai has always been the one that breaks Chanyeol's rules more than anyone, always resulting with Kai getting his ass beat as a punishment.

"Idiot." He mumbles, making his way to Kai's shared room with Chen. He doesn't feel the need to knock, knowing well that Chen is with Chanyeol in his study. Kyungsoo opens the door and spots Kai laying on his bed, his eyes hooded and his chest moving in an erratical pace.

Kai sees Kyungsoo by the door, and sighs. He doesn't want to hear 'I told you so' from the elders lips, he hates when Kyungsoo scolds him. Kai only looks away, hoping the latter would get the hint and leave. Instead he feels a soft warm hand on his shoulder, calming his breathing dramatically. Kai doesn't understand why he's always felt happy and secure when Kyungsoo is near, but he hopes that feeling never goes away.

"Let me change your bandages you idiot." He speaks, opening the drawer from the nightstand and taking out a first aid kit. He takes out the things he needs, and sits on a stool beside the bed.

"You're mad at me too?" Kai questions, but all he gets in return is silence. Kyungsoo is only focused on changing the bandages around Kai's torso. Kai huffs in annoyance, his hyung should know that he didn't do anything on purpose. His feelings for Taehyung are out of his control, and Bangtan Sonyeondan are like fucking ninjas he didn't see coming. Knowing well that he won't be getting an answer from Kyungsoo anytime soon, he closes his eyes, hoping to drift into dreamland.

Jeongguk slams his fists onto his desk in his study, disappointment and anger evident on his facial features.

"What do you mean you fucking lost them?" He screams, looking deep into Hoseok's eyes. Hoseok would be lying if he claims Jeongguk doesn't intimidate him, he knows he fucked up and all for what? A puppy he saw on the side of the road, with an injured paw, but of course Jeongguk doesn't care about that.

"W-well, you did tell me to stay hidden and it turned out to be quite difficult boss. I'm sorry." He stutters, hoping to get a good reaction out of his excuse. Hoseok was ordered to follow Kim Jongdae and Kim Jongin, out of the school and possibly to EXO's main headquarters. It was quite the challenge, and unfortunately Hoseok was unable to complete it. Jeongguk groans, walking around his desk and toward Hoseok. Jeongguk's anger was taking control, his teeth grinding against each other and his stare was almost evil in Hoseok's perspective.

"B-boss?" Hoseok mumbles, taking a few steps back. Jeongguk is just so angry that this mission has taken so long, how is it possible that they haven't been found? His right hand turns into a fist and is ready to throw a punch at Hoseok's face when...

"Dinner's ready!" They hear Jin sing. They both turn their heads toward the door to see a smiling Jin, wearing an apron and a spatula in hand. Jeongguk only rolls his eyes, and grabs his coat from the coach near his desk.

"I'm not hungry." He states, walking past Hoseok and Jin leaving them confused, with thoughts running wild.


>> Hello, here's an update on Monday as promised but I must say it's very short. I didn't think a week could pass by so fast, I barely had enough time for what I have for you today. I think I'll be changing the update schedule for every other Monday, so I could have two weeks instead of one? Sorry about being so difficult, I really do try but I feel like my writing has just gone to shit and I truly feel bad about making you all wait so long for every update. I hope you all enjoy, and have a great day (or night). I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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