Chapter 5: The Hourglass

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Traveller: Yes!! I was finally graced with a plot bunny for Pirate!England~ //sheds tears of joy

Pirate!England: Tis about time lass. You cannot keep a gentleman waiting forever. The time is--

Traveller: SHHHH!!!! //puts hands over his mouth
DON'T SPOIL IT!!! Anyway. This is dedicated to Mad_As_A_Hatter for making my little writer heart glow.
I do not own Hetalia, nor do I own you, dear Rea-chan. //bows
Enjoy the blast from the past and don't kill me please! //turtle shell


The evening of America's Christmas party was an uneventful one, for you anyway. For most of the party you were outside on one of the numerous balconies watching the flurries of snow cascade down from the darkened sky. You liked snow, it made everything so beautiful and at the right moment peaceful as well. The other countries were much too loud and rowdy in your opinion and you preferred to be alone, looking at nature.

You had been outside for a good hour and a half, wrapped warmly in your big winter coat when you heard the door to the balcony open up and allowed America to step out. "Dude! We've been looking everywhere for ya! We're playing a game so come on inside!" You gave a gentle bob of your head and wandered back inside, only to your horror to discover that the game was seven minutes in heaven. After the last party that was thrown, you had become to detest the game. Being locked in a dark closet with France for seven minutes was not your idea of a "good time" to put it mildly.

Nevertheless, you took your seat amongst the other countries, not really caring who you got stuck with. None of the male countries necessarily caught your eye, and so as long as it wasn't France or Russia you would be content. You wouldn't allow them within 5 feet of you for the entire seven minutes. You decided this with a small nod of your head and then folded your arms over your chest, waiting for your turn.

The game went on, many interesting things apparently went on in the closet/sitting room which only increased your apprehension. Finally, to your dismay, America shoved the hat into your arms, shouting, "Your turn _______!"

"Ohonhon I hope she gets someone good~" France sent a wink in your direction and you responded with a murderous glare, the proceeded to dig around the hat for a worthy choice.

Who will I get...? You instinctively avoided anything and everything that felt like flowers for fear of getting France. Finally your fingers wrapped delicately around something that felt like stone and you yanked it out. You gasped.

What you pulled out was a beautiful antique hourglass with what you supposed to be handcrafted stone work around the delicate glass and eerie but beautiful red sand inside of it. When the light hit it a rainbow of color reflected off of it and you smiled softly. "It's beautiful..." you murmured, then raised your enchanted gaze to look around the room to see who you got. England raised an eyebrow at you, but seeming to understand he said, "He's already in the room love." You blinked rapidly in shock but then slowly stood and wandered into the sitting room, the other countries murmuring behind you.

The door slammed behind you and you jumped slightly, scanning around the room. It was pitch black, which wasn't helping you identify who was in the room, if anyone.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

You called softly and spun around only to run straight into a well muscled chest.

"You should watch where you're going love." A voice said and you jumped back in surprise. England?! But he was just out there!

"W-Who are you?" you stammered and though it was dark you thought you could see the England impersonator smile. "That's not important lassie," he said and you shuddered when you felt a gloved hand stroke your cheek. "The important thing is lass, who are you?"

"_-_______... Now who are you?!" The man chuckled. "A beautiful name lass. Tell me, do you still have that hourglass?" Though you wanted to pester him about who he was, and the weird resemblance to England's speech pattern, you pulled out the hourglass instead. In the dark, it seemed to glow and you could see the eerily familiar bright green eyes of this stranger.

"Thank you lass," he studied the hourglass, and you could tell he was disappointed. He cursed under his breath, which took you aback. He didn't seem like the type to curse. "I have to go soon love," he said, rubbing his thumb against his cheek.

"But... But you only... Don't go..." you pleaded. You weren't sure why, but somehow you had become attached to this person. As mysterious as he was. His hand went back to flick on the lights and you gasped at his appearance. He seemed to be a... Pirate with a smirk and shimmering green eyes. "En-England?" you asked in alarm. This earned you a hearty laugh from him. "Almost lass. Call me Captain Kirkland." You nodded slowly and he leaned down towards you again. "I'm afraid that not only are our seven minutes almost up but so is my time here," he gestured to the hourglass and instantly you went to turn it upside down. He laughed again and you could swear that your heart melted. "There's no need for that lass," he said after stopping your hands. "But I don't know if I'll ever see you again! C-Captain I think I love you..." you mumbled the last part and he smirked down at you, but frowned when America called "One minute!" from outside of the door.

You went to say something, though you weren't sure what, a goodbye perhaps when suddenly he pulled you into an embrace. You blushed but instantly went red when you felt him kiss you. His touch was gentle; he smelled like tea and the salty air from the ocean. It was intoxicating. You melted into his touch, kissing him back with as much passion as you could muster. Feeling him smile against your lips was almost enough to make you faint on the spot.

After a good while the two of you pulled apart and you felt as though you were seeing the pirate vanish before your very eyes. "We will meet again love." he pressed something into the palm of your hand and just like that, was gone.

America pulled the door open to find you all alone, looking almost heartbroken. "Dude, what happened?" You shook your head. "Nothing," you mumbled and pushed past him and made your way back out onto the balcony. It had stopped snowing but the chill of winter was still there. You opened your palm and almost wept when you saw the miniature hourglass in your hand. But you remembered his words, "We will meet again," and leaned on the snow covered railing, praying it would be true.

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