A shady arrival - Prologue

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Charlie gritted his teeth, the gun pointed to his temple and his hand shaking under the stress.

He obviously didn't want to do this, but in such a situation, the choice wasn't really necessary. The room where he was in became darker and darker, and that meant only one thing. He just had to turn on the light, and It'll come.

He couldn't do that, couldn't let It win. The entire city was already drowned in the darkness, after nobody took the danger seriously. The fools. Couldn't they see they were to doom hundreds of innocent lives to an existence devoid of soul ? Emotionless and psychopathic beings, that's what they've all become. Charlie was the only one sane left, but he could feel the Shade all around him, like a vicious gas, waiting patiently because It knew.

Soon, he will become too nervous to stay in the dark, hearing just his own breathing and the deafening blood in his head. It was lasting for ten hours already, so he was coming to his breaking point, and the Shade knew it all.

The seemingly innocent lamp near him, was the threatening vessel for this ethereal abomination, the only object in the room with him, but even clean, it was slowly draining his sanity. Its power was tangible even from there, yet it wasn't enough. Charlie was its last prey, clinging to life like a fish at the hook, weak and vulnerable. And he wouldn't dare to imagine what a world like this would look like, a world without light nor souls. Hell probably. Certainly no suffering, no fear no death ; but no joy, no life, no feelings too. Earth as we imagine it would have its inhabitants just empty shells, and no hope for turning back.

That's why the brown-haired guy decided to end his own life right there ; that way he will be spared of an horrible death and maybe avoid a massive contamination of the entire world at the same time, even though it's not really likely. If anybody was to find his corpse, he hoped that they would understand at least, to not make the same mistake than they all did. Nonetheless, time was running short as he was pondering these thoughts, so Charlie randomly shouted, more to give himself strength than trying to intimidate the Shade :

"Fuck you !, That's right, you will never get me ! Screw you, monster ! You failed, see ?! No more victims for you ! "

He nervously chuckled out of defiance, a painful grin on his face, tightening his grip on the arm. His palms were getting sweaty, not afraid of a possible anger of the creature following his words, but of pulling the trigger. As he was expecting it, he started to feel this special cold breath against his neck, as a timid headache grew inside his head, making him wince. It was speaking to him, like a murmur in his mind, or a soft singing. That wouldn't be truly unpleasant if the situation was more peaceful and didn't bring something like the fate of the whole humanity, he thought to himself. In reality, the Shade had a sort of voice, a taunting feeling swimming through the corporal body like a fresh breeze. It always felt like it was laughing, mocking the fate of its preys, and maybe that was the case.

Dear Charlie... You wouldn't do that, would you ? You know you've always been my favourite...

The last word echoed inside the man's mind, forcing him to press his free hand against his forehead to appease the small pain. It seemed to chuckle, and carried on with its words.

We could have done great things together... We still can. Release me, and I'll prove it to you...

"Prove what, jerk ? " Charlie growled, frowning. He was on the lookout for any tricks the shadow could have in mind, and closed his eyes to focus. He had nothing to lose but his life anyway.

My dear... Turn on the light... Trust me.

He let out a small dry laugh, then bursted into laughter, not bothering to hide his scorn for It.

"I certainly don't. I won't fell for anything, you're losing your time, fucker. "

And he showed the middle finger towards the lamp to make his intentions clear. Unfortunately, he just half-opened his eyes that he felt a sudden urge to turn on the switch, as if his hands became hyperactive, full of electricity. That was such a common act, which would condemn the fate of the entire world in this case. Except fighting this urge as much and as longer as possible, Charlie had nothing else he could do.

He groaned, he couldn't accept his defeat, not now, not like this !

"Why me ?! " He screamed, despair and anger filling his voice. "Why not that bloke, Shadrow ?! Why not using him instead of the others ? What did they have more than him ?! "

He already knew the answer : the Shade was toying with him, so that soon he will yield before It. That was just a matter of time.

The lovely Shadrow...? My creator ? Silly, did you think he wasn't here already ? ~

The brown-haired man suddenly turned towards the door, the only one of the room, quickly glancing at the window ; the dawn was far from coming, since the stars were peeking and the moon shining bright, no sign of a shy sun above the horizon. Was the creator of this shadowish abomination coming to end all of this ? Charlie had little hopes considering the cheerfulness of the monster. The bad feeling in his belly intensified as the door swung open, indeed revealing the blond-haired guy, with glasses and a little beard on his chin ; exactly as he was described. Though the deep dark the room was plunged in wasn't allowing to see the details of his traits, therefore his expression unable to be seen, there weren't any doubts as for his identity.

Master ! Please, approach--

"Shut up ! " Charlie roared at the lamp, stepping back from the blond then raised his free arm in an attempt to hit and destroy it ; but before he was able to do anything, his arm got stopped by a tight grip, and his blue eyes turned to see Shadrow close to him, the nails almost digging into his skin. His breath fastened under the uncontrollable fear that everyone feels before a pending death, an imploring expression in his face in hope this would make the video maker understand.

This one joined a finger at his own mouth.

"Shh... " He whispered to Charlie's ears, his warm breath caressing his neck. The Shade was literally making the air vibrating of pleasure.

"Don't move... "

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