Chapter 1.

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"No, leave me alone ! Get away from me, get away from m-- Aaaargh ! "

The head of the guy exploded in a shower of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, spraying his enemy all around. A GAME OVER text showed up on the screen as a curse escaped the lips of the young girl, and she leaned back against the couch.

"Shit, not again ! "

She threw the controller on the table with an exasperated sigh and closed her eyes, as if in pain.

"It's goddamn impossible ! Why can't I get through this level ?! "

"Marian ! Language please ! " A feminine voice shouted behind the door of the living room, making the aforesaid Marian roll her eyes.

"Sure mom..."

She put her hands on her knees, breathing deeply to calm herself down from the adrenaline of the game, her long brown hair hiding one eye and preventing her to see anything. She pushed it away furiously. After thinking for a while, she stood up and turned off the console.

"No need to persist for today... " She mumbled. " This is way too hard... Gonna try again tomorrow. "

The girl then headed for the kitchen, hands in the pockets, and casually picked up a chocolate bar from a bowl, drawing a sluggish reprimand from her mother.

"Keep some place for dinner, or else you'll complain you're not hungry. "

"Yeah, okay.. " Marian faked a smile but brang the bar with her anyways.

It wasn't because she had a grudge against her, but because she was so bored that she was craving anything that could her out of her routine ; life could be truly bland at times, hers wasn't the exception to the rule. She walked to her room while continuing to eat the candy and lazily layed down on her bed. She grabbed her phone with her free hand and licked her fingers with the other, checking the screen.

Nothing interesting, of course. The brunette sighed again, but kept scrolling after having thrown the paper in the bin.

No opportunity yet... Also nobody asked any news of me. I shouldn't be surprised.

She cracked a weak smiled and shrugged before putting the phone down and stood up straight, staring blankly at the blanket. She didn't think of anything, why should she ? There wasn't anything to think about ; the situation was always the same, she always remained alone since her childhood, and it had to be Marian to extract a friendship through numerous efforts. But it didn't matter anymore. She was a bit tired to be the only one to make the first step, so it'd be better to focus on other things.

If someone want of me, they know where to find me. I'm not running after anybody.

"Marian ! Dinner's ready. "

" 'coming. "

It's not like I have something important to attend to tomorrow...

She stood up and walked to the corridor then switched off the light. It turned on itself instantly, flickering a bit. The young girl turned over with an annoyed frown and pressed the switch harder to make it work this time. She shook her head and rejoined her mother in the living room.

"Mom ? We should -- well, YOU should really fix that bulb, it's doing crap. If it continues, I'd end up living in the dark. "

The grown man laughed, almost dropping the hot plate she was holding.

"Come on honey, it's not like it was going to eat you up, does it ? But alright, I'm taking note of it. "

Marian chuckled nervously ; certainly she was too old to be scared of the dark, though it still sort of unnerved her somehow. Maybe the inner fear of humanity of all unknown things, compelling.

Just before going to sleep, she checked her phone again, but nothing. So she put it down without a word and switched the lamp off. For quite a long moment, she stayed in the obscurity in silence, before whispering for herself.

"Please, if there is any superior force, whatever it is... I'm not religious but... make something happen. Something's fun, or for which I could be of any use. I'm not asking for the moon. Just shake my life a little... Thank you.. "

She let out a last nervous breath.

I'm gonna go sleep badly again.. Oh well.

A few days later

Marian flipped a page of the book, her gaze intensely concentrated on the words. The library where she was was ideally quiet, the only place she would go to when she was about to explode from the pressure of college. Even the back and forth of the people here and there weren't able to bother her in her reading ; so she was profiting of the place to study and relax at the same time.

Well, study and... Read some stuff about anthropophagy. That was one of the brunette's trait : a liking for marginal, creepy or weird things, she couldn't help it. Her lonely mind has grown to a fascination for everything that's out of the line, for forbidden and forgotten creatures, myths or persons that could have a mysterious part in their story. And wishing for fun like she did a few days ago was just a way of coping with all the stress society was imposing upon her as a student. After all, it was never wrong to dream, especially for just a child, wasn't it ?

She raised her head from her book to let her gaze wander through the many shelves, then gently closed the book to bring it with her. She checked her watch and sighed : time for lunch.

"Not hungry... But let's go anyway. "

The young brunette walked to the canteen, wearing her backpack on her shoulder and her earphones turned on some catchy music. It helped her escape from the real life, its grey sky and cold breeze. A normal weather for a September.

After lunch, Marian headed out of the campus, deciding that her business here was done ; fortunately classes weren't back until two weeks. Wandering in the streets as the boredom slowly overwhelmed her, her eyes were jumping from person on person, finding a strange uneasiness to think to herself that everybody was living their own life too, despising those of the others if it was to interfere with their bland routine.

What a bunch of egoists. If the apocalypse was happening one day, they would just get to eat each other up instead of helping one another. Or to steal shit from the shops.

She looked an instant at a passing dove.

At least, animals aren't as greedy as we are...

She shook her head to come back to her senses, before blinking to remove a drop from an eye. The clouds were now darker than ever, when she raised her head to check the sky, and the ground was already beginning to get wet. People still outside were pressing on as well.

"Shit. Looks like it's going to rain... " the teenager mumbled. She looked left and right to seek somewhere to hide from the starting rain, but nothing in sight.

"Shit again ! I didn't even bring my coat, goddammit...! "

She quickened her pace and hurrying to the quarter of her apartment in hope to not get too much soggy. Fortunately, she arrived just in time before the rainfall exploded, making her sigh deeply in relief as she wiped her shoes.

Good... I wasn't planning to get out in the afternoon.

After this, she calmly rejoined her floor - the forth one, the last one of the building - , got to her room and locked the door behind her. Finally at home, well, her second home, she settled her things in a corner and took off her shoes, appreciating the sound of the violent storm outside with a wide smile. This was one of the best noises in the world ; rain, thunder and wind, the perfect combination to stay indoors and have a hot drink. Maybe watch a long movie too, or a serie. At least, that's what she thought, because not many people in her entourage seemed to be in agreement with her state of mind.

Then she sat on the bed to get changed, and that was at this very moment that the light went out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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